70 Parameters(
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
float near_clipping_plane_distance,
float far_clipping_plane_distance);
Abstracts the OpenGL frame buffer objects, and provides an interface to render meshes,...
Abstract Interface defining Sensor Parameters.
float far_clipping_plane_distance_
distance of far clipping plane
void setDepthRange(float near, float far)
sets the clipping range
float near_clipping_plane_distance_
distance of near clipping plane
virtual const Eigen::Vector3f & getPaddingCoefficients() const =0
returns sensor dependent padding coefficients
unsigned height_
height of depth maps generated by the sensor
void setImageSize(unsigned width, unsigned height)
sets the image size
unsigned getHeight() const
returns the height of depth maps
float getNearClippingPlaneDistance() const
returns distance to the near clipping plane
virtual void transformModelDepthToMetricDepth(float *depth) const
transforms depth values from rendered model to metric depth values
virtual ~Parameters()
virtual destructor
unsigned getWidth() const
returns the width of depth maps
unsigned width_
width of depth maps generated by the sensor
virtual Parameters * clone() const =0
polymorphic clone method
virtual void transformFilteredDepthToMetricDepth(float *depth) const
transforms depth values from filtered depth to metric depth values
virtual void setRenderParameters(GLRenderer &renderer) const =0
method that sets required parameters for the renderer. Each sensor usually has its own shaders with s...
virtual void setFilterParameters(GLRenderer &renderer) const =0
sets the specific Filter Renderer parameters
float getFarClippingPlaneDistance() const
returns the distance to the far clipping plane
Abstract Interface defining a sensor model for mesh filtering.
virtual ~SensorModel()
virtual destructor