Propagating Stages
MTC provides the following propagating stages:
stage applies modifications to the PlanningScene without moving the robot.The stage contains functionality to * Enable and disable collision checking between links * Attach and detach objects to robot links * Spawn and remove objects from scene
Example code to attach object
auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("attach object");
stage->attachObject("object_name", "gripper_frame_name");
Example code to enable collision
auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("Allow collision between object and gripper");
stage->allowCollisions("object_name", "gripper_frame_name", true);
stage is used to perform a cartesian motion.Property Name |
Function to set property |
Description |
group |
void setGroup(std::string group) |
Name of planning group. |
ik_frame |
void setIKFrame(std::string group) |
Frame to be moved in Cartesian direction. |
min_distance |
void setMinDistance(double distance) |
Minimum distance to move. Default is -1.0. |
max_distance |
void setMaxDistance(double distance) |
Maximum distance to move. Default is 0.0. |
path_constaints |
void setPathConstraints(moveit_msgs/Constraints path_constaints) |
Constraints to maintain during trajectory |
direction |
void setDirection(geometry_msgs/TwistStamped twist) |
Perform twist motion on specified link. |
direction |
void setDirection(geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped direction) |
Translate link along given direction. |
direction |
void setDirection(std::map<std::string, double> direction) |
Move specified joint variables by given amount |
Example code
const auto cartesian_planner = std::make_shared<moveit::task_constructor::solvers::CartesianPath>();
auto approach_pose =
std::make_unique<moveit::task_constructor::stages::MoveRelative>("Approach", cartesian_planner);
// Propagate the solution backward only
// Move the end effector by 0.15m in the z direction.
const Eigen::Vector3d approach{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.15 };
geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3Stamped approach_vector;
tf2::toMsg(approach, approach_vector.vector);
approach_vector.header.frame_id = "tool_frame";
stage is used to move to a joint state or cartesian goal pose.Property Name |
Function to set property |
Description |
group |
void setGroup(std::string group) |
Name of planning group. |
ik_frame |
void setIKFrame(geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose) |
Frame to be moved towards goal pose. |
goal |
void setGoal(geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose) |
Move link to given pose |
goal |
void setGoal(geometry_msgs/PointStamped point) |
Move link to given point, keeping current orientation |
goal |
void setGoal(std::string named_joint_pose) |
Move joint model group to given named pose. The named pose should be described in the SRDF file. |
goal |
void setGoal(moveit_msgs/RobotState robot_state) |
Move joints specified in msg to their target values. |
goal |
void setGoal(std::map<std::string, double> joints) |
Move joints by name to their mapped target values. |
path_constaints |
void setPathConstraints(moveit_msgs:::Constraints path_constaints) |
Constraints to maintain during trajectory |
Example code
const auto joint_interpolation_planner =
auto stage =
std::make_unique<moveit::task_constructor::stages::MoveTo>("close gripper", joint_interpolation_planner);
// Set trajectory execution info. This will contain the list of controllers used to actuate gripper and arm.
// Since this property is set during task initialization, we can inherit from it.
stage->setGoal("closed"); // Group state named in SRDF
stage checks for collisions and resolves them if applicable.Property Name |
Function to set property |
Description |
direction |
void setDirection(geometry_msgs/Vector3 direction) |
Direction vector to fix collision by shifting object along correction direction. A default direction is calculated if not explicitly set. |
penetration |
void setMaxPenetration(double penetration) |
Cutoff length up to which collision objects get fixed. If the object’s collision length is greater than the value set, the collision will not be fixed. |
Example code
auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::FixCollisionObjects>();