41namespace bind_collision_detection
47 py::class_<collision_detection::CollisionRequest>(
"CollisionRequest", R
48 Representation of a collision checking request.
55 str: The group name to check collisions for (optional; if empty, assume the complete robot)
60 bool: If true, compute proximity distance.
65 bool: If true, a collision cost is computed.
70 bool: If true, compute contacts.
75 int: Overall maximum number of contacts to compute.
80 int: Maximum number of contacts to compute per pair of bodies (multiple bodies may be in contact at different configurations).
85 int: When costs are computed, this value defines how many of the top cost sources should be returned.
95 bool: Flag indicating whether information about detected collisions should be reported.
103 py::class_<collision_detection::CollisionResult>(
"CollisionResult", R
104 Representation of a collision checking result.
111 bool: True if collision was found, false otherwise.
116 float: Closest distance between two bodies.
121 int: Number of contacts returned.
127 dict: A dict returning the pairs of ids of the bodies in contact, plus information about the contacts themselves.
132 dict: The individual cost sources from computed costs.
void initCollisionResult(py::module &m)
void initCollisionRequest(py::module &m)
std::string group_name
The group name to check collisions for (optional; if empty, assume the complete robot)....
bool verbose
Flag indicating whether information about detected collisions should be reported.
std::size_t max_cost_sources
When costs are computed, this value defines how many of the top cost sources should be returned.
bool contacts
If true, compute contacts. Otherwise only a binary collision yes/no is reported.
bool cost
If true, a collision cost is computed.
std::size_t max_contacts
Overall maximum number of contacts to compute.
std::size_t max_contacts_per_pair
Maximum number of contacts to compute per pair of bodies (multiple bodies may be in contact at differ...
bool distance
If true, compute proximity distance.
std::set< CostSource > cost_sources
These are the individual cost sources when costs are computed.
double distance
Closest distance between two bodies.
bool collision
True if collision was found, false otherwise.
std::size_t contact_count
Number of contacts returned.