38 #include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
44 parent_node_->declare_parameter(
"robot_description", rclcpp::ParameterType::PARAMETER_STRING);
51 throw std::runtime_error(
"cannot find package property in URDF");
56 throw std::runtime_error(
"cannot find relative_path property in URDF");
106 if (robot_desc_pkg_path.empty())
109 "Package Not Found In ROS Workspace. ROS was unable to find the package name '%s'"
110 " within the ROS workspace. This may cause issues later.",
117 const std::string& xacro_args)
120 if (package_path.empty())
122 throw std::runtime_error(
"URDF/COLLADA package not found: ''" +
140 throw std::runtime_error(
"URDF/COLLADA file not found: " +
145 throw std::runtime_error(
"Running xacro failed.\nPlease check console for errors.");
151 throw std::runtime_error(
"URDF/COLLADA file is not a valid robot model.");
178 std::string urdf_location;
197 variables.push_back(
"textfile=\"" + urdf_location +
202 #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.hpp>
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(cached_ik_kinematics_plugin::CachedIKKinematicsPlugin< kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin >, kinematics::KinematicsBase)
where all the data for each part of the configuration is stored.
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr parent_node_
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp::Logger > logger_
void collectDependencies(std::set< std::string > &packages) const override
Collect the package dependencies generated by this configuration.
std::filesystem::path urdf_path_
Full file-system path to urdf.
void loadFromPath(const std::filesystem::path &urdf_file_path, const std::string &xacro_args="")
Load URDF File.
std::filesystem::path urdf_pkg_relative_path_
Path relative to urdf package (note: this may be same as urdf_path_)
YAML::Node saveToYaml() const override
Optionally save "meta" information for saving in the .setup_assistant yaml file.
bool isConfigured() const override
Return true if this part of the configuration is completely set up.
void loadFromPackage(const std::filesystem::path &package_name, const std::filesystem::path &relative_path, const std::string &xacro_args="")
std::vector< std::string > xacro_args_vec_
bool urdf_from_xacro_
Flag indicating whether the URDF was loaded from .xacro format.
std::shared_ptr< urdf::Model > urdf_model_
URDF robot model.
void onInit() override
Overridable initialization method.
void loadPrevious(const std::filesystem::path &package_path, const YAML::Node &node) override
Loads the configuration from an existing MoveIt configuration.
std::string xacro_args_
xacro arguments in two different formats
void collectVariables(std::vector< TemplateVariable > &variables) override
Collect key/value pairs for use in templates.
std::string urdf_string_
URDF robot model string.
std::string urdf_pkg_name_
Name of package containing urdf (note: this may be empty b/c user may not have urdf in pkg)
static bool loadXmlFileToString(std::string &buffer, const std::string &path, const std::vector< std::string > &xacro_args)
helper that branches between loadFileToString() and loadXacroFileToString() based on result of isXacr...
static bool isXacroFile(const std::string &path)
determine if given path points to a xacro file
bool getYamlProperty(const YAML::Node &node, const std::string &key, T &storage, const T &default_value=T())
std::filesystem::path getSharePath(const std::string &package_name)
Return a path for the given package's share folder.
bool extractPackageNameFromPath(const std::filesystem::path &path, std::string &package_name, std::filesystem::path &relative_filepath)
Simple Key/value pair for templates.