The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.
Core components of MoveIt. More...
Namespaces | |
collision_detection | |
kinematic_constraints | |
planning_scene | |
robot_model | |
robot_state | |
transforms | |
Classes | |
class | AABB |
Represents an axis-aligned bounding box. More... | |
class | FixedJointModel |
A fixed joint. More... | |
class | FloatingJointModel |
A floating joint. More... | |
struct | VariableBounds |
class | JointModel |
A joint from the robot. Models the transform that this joint applies in the kinematic chain. A joint consists of multiple variables. In the simplest case, when the joint is a single DOF, there is only one variable and its name is the same as the joint's name. For multi-DOF joints, each variable has a local name (e.g., x, y) but the full variable name as seen from the outside of this class is a concatenation of the "joint name"/"local
name" (e.g., a joint named 'base' with local variables 'x' and 'y' will store its full variable names as 'base/x' and 'base/y'). Local names are never used to reference variables directly. More... | |
class | JointModelGroup |
class | LinkModel |
A link from the robot. Contains the constant transform applied to the link and its geometry. More... | |
class | PlanarJointModel |
A planar joint. More... | |
class | PrismaticJointModel |
A prismatic joint. More... | |
class | RevoluteJointModel |
A revolute joint. More... | |
class | RobotModel |
Definition of a kinematic model. This class is not thread safe, however multiple instances can be created. More... | |
class | AttachedBody |
Object defining bodies that can be attached to robot links. More... | |
struct | JumpThreshold |
Struct for containing jump_threshold. More... | |
struct | MaxEEFStep |
Struct for containing max_step for computeCartesianPath. More... | |
class | CartesianInterpolator |
class | RobotState |
Representation of a robot's state. This includes position, velocity, acceleration and effort. More... | |
class | Transforms |
Provides an implementation of a snapshot of a transform tree that can be easily queried for transforming different quantities. Transforms are maintained as a list of transforms to a particular frame. All stored transforms are considered fixed. More... | |
class | MoveItErrorCode |
a wrapper around moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes to make it easier to return an error code message from a function More... | |
class | RobotModelBuilder |
Easily build different robot models for testing. Essentially a programmer-friendly light wrapper around URDF and SRDF. Best shown by an example: More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::map< std::string, size_t > | VariableIndexMap |
Data type for holding mappings from variable names to their position in a state vector. More... | |
using | VariableBoundsMap = std::map< std::string, VariableBounds > |
Data type for holding mappings from variable names to their bounds. More... | |
using | JointModelMap = std::map< std::string, JointModel * > |
Map of names to instances for JointModel. More... | |
using | JointModelMapConst = std::map< std::string, const JointModel * > |
Map of names to const instances for JointModel. More... | |
typedef std::function< kinematics::KinematicsBasePtr(const JointModelGroup *)> | SolverAllocatorFn |
Function type that allocates a kinematics solver for a particular group. More... | |
using | SolverAllocatorMapFn = std::map< const JointModelGroup *, SolverAllocatorFn > |
Map from group instances to allocator functions & bijections. More... | |
using | JointModelGroupMap = std::map< std::string, JointModelGroup * > |
Map of names to instances for JointModelGroup. More... | |
using | JointModelGroupMapConst = std::map< std::string, const JointModelGroup * > |
Map of names to const instances for JointModelGroup. More... | |
using | JointBoundsVector = std::vector< const JointModel::Bounds * > |
typedef std::map< std::string, LinkModel * > | LinkModelMap |
Map of names to instances for LinkModel. More... | |
using | LinkModelMapConst = std::map< std::string, const LinkModel * > |
Map of names to const instances for LinkModel. More... | |
using | LinkTransformMap = std::map< const LinkModel *, Eigen::Isometry3d, std::less< const LinkModel * >, Eigen::aligned_allocator< std::pair< const LinkModel *const, Eigen::Isometry3d > > > |
Map from link model instances to Eigen transforms. More... | |
typedef std::function< void(AttachedBody *body, bool attached)> | AttachedBodyCallback |
typedef std::function< bool(RobotState *robot_state, const JointModelGroup *joint_group, const double *joint_group_variable_values)> | GroupStateValidityCallbackFn |
Signature for functions that can verify that if the group joint_group in robot_state is set to joint_group_variable_values the state is valid or not. Returns true if the state is valid. This call is allowed to modify robot_state (e.g., set joint_group_variable_values) More... | |
using | FixedTransformsMap = std::map< std::string, Eigen::Isometry3d, std::less< std::string >, Eigen::aligned_allocator< std::pair< const std::string, Eigen::Isometry3d > > > |
Map frame names to the transformation matrix that can transform objects from the frame name to the planning frame. More... | |
Functions | |
MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD (JointModelGroup) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VariableBounds &b) |
Operator overload for printing variable bounds to a stream. More... | |
void | computeTurnDriveTurnGeometry (const double *from, const double *to, const double min_translational_distance, double &dx, double &dy, double &initial_turn, double &drive_angle, double &final_turn) |
Compute the geometry to turn toward the target point, drive straight and then turn to target orientation. More... | |
bool | jointStateToRobotState (const sensor_msgs::msg::JointState &joint_state, RobotState &state) |
Convert a joint state to a MoveIt robot state. More... | |
bool | robotStateMsgToRobotState (const Transforms &tf, const moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState &robot_state, RobotState &state, bool copy_attached_bodies=true) |
Convert a robot state msg (with accompanying extra transforms) to a MoveIt robot state. More... | |
bool | robotStateMsgToRobotState (const moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState &robot_state, RobotState &state, bool copy_attached_bodies=true) |
Convert a robot state msg (with accompanying extra transforms) to a MoveIt robot state. More... | |
void | robotStateToRobotStateMsg (const RobotState &state, moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState &robot_state, bool copy_attached_bodies=true) |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to a robot state message. More... | |
void | attachedBodiesToAttachedCollisionObjectMsgs (const std::vector< const AttachedBody * > &attached_bodies, std::vector< moveit_msgs::msg::AttachedCollisionObject > &attached_collision_objs) |
Convert AttachedBodies to AttachedCollisionObjects. More... | |
void | robotStateToJointStateMsg (const RobotState &state, sensor_msgs::msg::JointState &joint_state) |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to a joint state message. More... | |
bool | jointTrajPointToRobotState (const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory &trajectory, std::size_t point_id, RobotState &state) |
Convert a joint trajectory point to a MoveIt robot state. More... | |
void | robotStateToStream (const RobotState &state, std::ostream &out, bool include_header=true, const std::string &separator=",") |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to common separated values (CSV) on a single line that is outputted to a stream e.g. for file saving. More... | |
void | robotStateToStream (const RobotState &state, std::ostream &out, const std::vector< std::string > &joint_groups_ordering, bool include_header=true, const std::string &separator=",") |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to common separated values (CSV) on a single line that is outputted to a stream e.g. for file saving. This version can order by joint model groups. More... | |
void | streamToRobotState (RobotState &state, const std::string &line, const std::string &separator=",") |
Convert a string of joint values from a file (CSV) or input source into a RobotState. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RobotState &s) |
Operator overload for printing variable bounds to a stream. More... | |
std::string | toString (double d) |
Convert a double to std::string using the classic C locale. More... | |
std::string | toString (float f) |
Convert a float to std::string using the classic C locale. More... | |
double | toDouble (const std::string &s) |
Converts a std::string to double using the classic C locale. More... | |
float | toFloat (const std::string &s) |
Converts a std::string to float using the classic C locale. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const moveit_msgs::msg::PlanningScene &msg) |
Check if a message includes any information about a planning scene, or whether it is empty. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const moveit_msgs::msg::PlanningSceneWorld &msg) |
Check if a message includes any information about a planning scene world, or whether it is empty. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState &msg) |
Check if a message includes any information about a robot state, or whether it is empty. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints &msg) |
Check if a message specifies constraints. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion &msg) |
Check if the message contains any non-zero entries. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &msg) |
Check if the message contains any non-zero entries. More... | |
std::string | error_code_to_string (MoveItErrorCode error_code) |
Convenience function to translated error message into string. More... | |
moveit::core::RobotModelPtr | loadTestingRobotModel (const std::string &robot_name) |
Loads a robot from moveit_resources. More... | |
urdf::ModelInterfaceSharedPtr | loadModelInterface (const std::string &robot_name) |
Loads a URDF Model Interface from moveit_resources. More... | |
srdf::ModelSharedPtr | loadSRDFModel (const std::string &robot_name) |
Loads an SRDF Model from moveit_resources. More... | |
template<class InType > | |
std::string | toStringImpl (InType t) |
template<class OutType > | |
OutType | toRealImpl (const std::string &s) |
Core components of MoveIt.
typedef std::function<void(AttachedBody* body, bool attached)> moveit::core::AttachedBodyCallback |
Definition at line 52 of file attached_body.h.
using moveit::core::FixedTransformsMap = typedef std::map<std::string, Eigen::Isometry3d, std::less<std::string>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<std::pair<const std::string, Eigen::Isometry3d> > > |
Map frame names to the transformation matrix that can transform objects from the frame name to the planning frame.
Definition at line 52 of file transforms.h.
typedef std::function<bool(RobotState* robot_state, const JointModelGroup* joint_group, const double* joint_group_variable_values)> moveit::core::GroupStateValidityCallbackFn |
Signature for functions that can verify that if the group joint_group in robot_state is set to joint_group_variable_values the state is valid or not. Returns true if the state is valid. This call is allowed to modify robot_state (e.g., set joint_group_variable_values)
Definition at line 70 of file robot_state.h.
using moveit::core::JointBoundsVector = typedef std::vector<const JointModel::Bounds*> |
Definition at line 67 of file joint_model_group.h.
using moveit::core::JointModelGroupMap = typedef std::map<std::string, JointModelGroup*> |
Map of names to instances for JointModelGroup.
Definition at line 62 of file joint_model_group.h.
using moveit::core::JointModelGroupMapConst = typedef std::map<std::string, const JointModelGroup*> |
Map of names to const instances for JointModelGroup.
Definition at line 65 of file joint_model_group.h.
using moveit::core::JointModelMap = typedef std::map<std::string, JointModel*> |
Map of names to instances for JointModel.
Definition at line 99 of file joint_model.h.
using moveit::core::JointModelMapConst = typedef std::map<std::string, const JointModel*> |
Map of names to const instances for JointModel.
Definition at line 102 of file joint_model.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, LinkModel*> moveit::core::LinkModelMap |
Map of names to instances for LinkModel.
Definition at line 61 of file link_model.h.
using moveit::core::LinkModelMapConst = typedef std::map<std::string, const LinkModel*> |
Map of names to const instances for LinkModel.
Definition at line 64 of file link_model.h.
using moveit::core::LinkTransformMap = typedef std::map<const LinkModel*, Eigen::Isometry3d, std::less<const LinkModel*>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<std::pair<const LinkModel* const, Eigen::Isometry3d> > > |
Map from link model instances to Eigen transforms.
Definition at line 67 of file link_model.h.
typedef std::function<kinematics::KinematicsBasePtr(const JointModelGroup*)> moveit::core::SolverAllocatorFn |
Function type that allocates a kinematics solver for a particular group.
Definition at line 56 of file joint_model_group.h.
using moveit::core::SolverAllocatorMapFn = typedef std::map<const JointModelGroup*, SolverAllocatorFn> |
Map from group instances to allocator functions & bijections.
Definition at line 59 of file joint_model_group.h.
using moveit::core::VariableBoundsMap = typedef std::map<std::string, VariableBounds> |
Data type for holding mappings from variable names to their bounds.
Definition at line 96 of file joint_model.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, size_t> moveit::core::VariableIndexMap |
Data type for holding mappings from variable names to their position in a state vector.
Definition at line 93 of file joint_model.h.
void moveit::core::attachedBodiesToAttachedCollisionObjectMsgs | ( | const std::vector< const AttachedBody * > & | attached_bodies, |
std::vector< moveit_msgs::msg::AttachedCollisionObject > & | attached_collision_objs | ||
) |
Convert AttachedBodies to AttachedCollisionObjects.
attached_bodies | The input MoveIt attached body objects |
attached_collision_objs | The resultant AttachedCollisionObject messages |
Definition at line 429 of file conversions.cpp.
void moveit::core::computeTurnDriveTurnGeometry | ( | const double * | from, |
const double * | to, | ||
const double | min_translational_distance, | ||
double & | dx, | ||
double & | dy, | ||
double & | initial_turn, | ||
double & | drive_angle, | ||
double & | final_turn | ||
) |
Compute the geometry to turn toward the target point, drive straight and then turn to target orientation.
[in] | from | A vector representing the initial position [x0, y0, theta0] |
[in] | to | A vector representing the target position [x1, y1, theta1] |
[in] | min_translational_distance | If the translational distance between from and to is less than this value the motion will be pure rotation (meters) |
[out] | dx | x1 - x0 (meters) |
[out] | dy | y1 - y0 (meters) |
[out] | initial_turn | The initial turn in radians to face the target |
[out] | drive_angle | The orientation in radians that the robot will be driving straight at |
[out] | final_turn | The final turn in radians to the target orientation |
Definition at line 146 of file planar_joint_model.cpp.
inline |
Convenience function to translated error message into string.
error_code | Error code to be translated to a string |
Definition at line 77 of file moveit_error_code.h.
bool moveit::core::isEmpty | ( | const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose & | msg | ) |
Check if the message contains any non-zero entries.
Definition at line 77 of file message_checks.cpp.
bool moveit::core::isEmpty | ( | const geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion & | msg | ) |
Check if the message contains any non-zero entries.
Definition at line 72 of file message_checks.cpp.
bool moveit::core::isEmpty | ( | const moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints & | msg | ) |
Check if a message specifies constraints.
Definition at line 66 of file message_checks.cpp.
bool moveit::core::isEmpty | ( | const moveit_msgs::msg::PlanningScene & | msg | ) |
Check if a message includes any information about a planning scene, or whether it is empty.
Definition at line 43 of file message_checks.cpp.
bool moveit::core::isEmpty | ( | const moveit_msgs::msg::PlanningSceneWorld & | msg | ) |
Check if a message includes any information about a planning scene world, or whether it is empty.
Definition at line 49 of file message_checks.cpp.
bool moveit::core::isEmpty | ( | const moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState & | msg | ) |
Check if a message includes any information about a robot state, or whether it is empty.
Definition at line 54 of file message_checks.cpp.
bool moveit::core::jointStateToRobotState | ( | const sensor_msgs::msg::JointState & | joint_state, |
RobotState & | state | ||
) |
Convert a joint state to a MoveIt robot state.
joint_state | The input joint state to be converted |
state | The resultant MoveIt robot state |
Definition at line 391 of file conversions.cpp.
bool moveit::core::jointTrajPointToRobotState | ( | const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory & | trajectory, |
std::size_t | point_id, | ||
RobotState & | state | ||
) |
Convert a joint trajectory point to a MoveIt robot state.
joint_trajectory | The input msg |
point_id | The index of the trajectory point in the joint trajectory. |
state | The resultant MoveIt robot state |
Definition at line 458 of file conversions.cpp.
urdf::ModelInterfaceSharedPtr moveit::core::loadModelInterface | ( | const std::string & | robot_name | ) |
Loads a URDF Model Interface from moveit_resources.
[in] | robot_name | The name of the robot in moveit_resources to load. This should be the prefix to many of the robot packages. For example, "pr2", "panda", or "fanuc". |
Definition at line 60 of file robot_model_test_utils.cpp.
srdf::ModelSharedPtr moveit::core::loadSRDFModel | ( | const std::string & | robot_name | ) |
Loads an SRDF Model from moveit_resources.
[in] | robot_name | The name of the robot in moveit_resources to load. This should be the prefix to many of the robot packages. For example, "pr2", "panda", or "fanuc". |
Definition at line 82 of file robot_model_test_utils.cpp.
moveit::core::RobotModelPtr moveit::core::loadTestingRobotModel | ( | const std::string & | robot_name | ) |
Loads a robot from moveit_resources.
[in] | robot_name | The name of the robot in moveit_resources to load. This should be the prefix to many of the robot packages. For example, "pr2", "panda", or "fanuc". |
Definition at line 52 of file robot_model_test_utils.cpp.
moveit::core::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD | ( | JointModelGroup | ) |
moveit::core::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD | ( | RobotModel | ) |
moveit::core::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD | ( | RobotState | ) |
moveit::core::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD | ( | Transforms | ) |
std::ostream & moveit::core::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const RobotState & | s | ||
) |
Operator overload for printing variable bounds to a stream.
Definition at line 2308 of file robot_state.cpp.
std::ostream & moveit::core::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const VariableBounds & | b | ||
) |
Operator overload for printing variable bounds to a stream.
Definition at line 229 of file joint_model.cpp.
bool moveit::core::robotStateMsgToRobotState | ( | const moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState & | robot_state, |
RobotState & | state, | ||
bool | copy_attached_bodies = true |
) |
Convert a robot state msg (with accompanying extra transforms) to a MoveIt robot state.
robot_state | The input robot state msg |
state | The resultant MoveIt robot state |
copy_attached_bodies | Flag to include attached objects in robot state copy |
Definition at line 398 of file conversions.cpp.
bool moveit::core::robotStateMsgToRobotState | ( | const Transforms & | tf, |
const moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState & | robot_state, | ||
RobotState & | state, | ||
bool | copy_attached_bodies = true |
) |
Convert a robot state msg (with accompanying extra transforms) to a MoveIt robot state.
tf | An instance of a transforms object |
robot_state | The input robot state msg |
state | The resultant MoveIt robot state |
copy_attached_bodies | Flag to include attached objects in robot state copy |
Definition at line 406 of file conversions.cpp.
void moveit::core::robotStateToJointStateMsg | ( | const RobotState & | state, |
sensor_msgs::msg::JointState & | joint_state | ||
) |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to a joint state message.
state | The input MoveIt robot state object |
robot_state | The resultant JointState message |
Definition at line 438 of file conversions.cpp.
void moveit::core::robotStateToRobotStateMsg | ( | const RobotState & | state, |
moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState & | robot_state, | ||
bool | copy_attached_bodies = true |
) |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to a robot state message.
state | The input MoveIt robot state object |
robot_state | The resultant RobotState *message |
copy_attached_bodies | Flag to include attached objects in robot state copy |
Definition at line 414 of file conversions.cpp.
void moveit::core::robotStateToStream | ( | const RobotState & | state, |
std::ostream & | out, | ||
bool | include_header = true , |
const std::string & | separator = "," |
) |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to common separated values (CSV) on a single line that is outputted to a stream e.g. for file saving.
state | - The input MoveIt robot state object |
out | - a file stream, or any other stream |
include_header | - flag to prefix the output with a line of joint names. |
separator | - allows to override the comma separator with any symbol, such as a white space |
Definition at line 483 of file conversions.cpp.
void moveit::core::robotStateToStream | ( | const RobotState & | state, |
std::ostream & | out, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | joint_groups_ordering, | ||
bool | include_header = true , |
const std::string & | separator = "," |
) |
Convert a MoveIt robot state to common separated values (CSV) on a single line that is outputted to a stream e.g. for file saving. This version can order by joint model groups.
state | - The input MoveIt robot state object |
out | - a file stream, or any other stream |
joint_group_ordering | - output joints based on ordering of joint groups |
include_header | - flag to prefix the output with a line of joint names. |
separator | - allows to override the comma separator with any symbol, such as a white space |
Definition at line 511 of file conversions.cpp.
void moveit::core::streamToRobotState | ( | RobotState & | state, |
const std::string & | line, | ||
const std::string & | separator = "," |
) |
Convert a string of joint values from a file (CSV) or input source into a RobotState.
state | - the output MoveIt robot state object |
line | - the input string of joint values |
separator | - allows to override the comma separator with any symbol, such as a white space |
Definition at line 548 of file conversions.cpp.
double moveit::core::toDouble | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Converts a std::string to double using the classic C locale.
std::runtime_exception | if not a valid number |
Definition at line 80 of file lexical_casts.cpp.
float moveit::core::toFloat | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Converts a std::string to float using the classic C locale.
std::runtime_exception | if not a valid number |
Definition at line 85 of file lexical_casts.cpp.
OutType moveit::core::toRealImpl | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Definition at line 66 of file lexical_casts.cpp.
std::string moveit::core::toString | ( | double | d | ) |
Convert a double to std::string using the classic C locale.
Definition at line 55 of file lexical_casts.cpp.
std::string moveit::core::toString | ( | float | f | ) |
Convert a float to std::string using the classic C locale.
Definition at line 60 of file lexical_casts.cpp.
std::string moveit::core::toStringImpl | ( | InType | t | ) |