The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Nconstraint_samplersThe constraint samplers namespace contains a number of methods for generating samples based on a constraint or set of constraints
 Ndistance_fieldNamespace for holding classes that generate distance fields
 Ndynamics_solverThis namespace includes the dynamics_solver library
 Nkinematic_constraintsRepresentation and evaluation of kinematic constraints
 NkinematicsAPI for forward and inverse kinematics
 Nkinematics_metricsNamespace for kinematics metrics
 NmoveitMain namespace for MoveIt
 Nmoveit_controller_managerNamespace for the base class of a MoveIt controller manager
 Nmoveit_sensor_managerNamespace for the base class of a MoveIt sensor manager
 Nompl_interfaceThe MoveIt interface to OMPL
 Nplan_executionThis namespace includes functionality specific to the execution and monitoring of motion plans
 Nplanning_interfaceThis namespace includes the base class for MoveIt planners
 Nplanning_pipelinePlanning pipeline
 Nplanning_request_adapterGeneric interface to adapting motion planning requests
 Nplanning_sceneThis namespace includes the central class for representing planning contexts
 CAggregationJointMissingExceptionThrown the limits from the node parameter are weaker(forbidden) than the ones defined in the urdf
 CCartesianLimitsAggregatorUnittest of the CartesianLimitsAggregator class
 CDummyConstraintDummy constraint for testing, always satisfied. We need this to create and OMPL ConstrainedStateSpace
 CEIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEWROS/KDL based interface for the inverse kinematics of the PR2 arm
 CJointLimitsAggregatorUnittest of the JointLimitsAggregator class
 CPlanningContextFactoryRegistrationExceptionAn exception class thrown when the planner manager is unable to load a factory
 CTestConstrainedStateSpaceRobot indepentent implementation of the tests.
 CTestPlanningContextGeneric implementation of the tests that can be executed on different robots
 CTestStateValidityCheckerGeneric implementation of the tests that can be executed on different robots
 CTestThreadSafeStateStorageGeneric implementation of the tests that can be executed on different robots
 CTrajectoryFunctionsTestBaseTest fixtures base class
 CTrajectoryFunctionsTestFlangeAndGripperParametrized class for tests with and without gripper
 CTrajectoryGeneratorLINTestParameterized unittest of trajectory generator LIN to enable tests against different robot models.The parameter is the name of robot model parameter on the ros parameter server
 CTransformProviderClass that caches and updates transformations for given frames