The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Nconstraint_samplersThe constraint samplers namespace contains a number of methods for generating samples based on a constraint or set of constraints
 Ndistance_fieldNamespace for holding classes that generate distance fields
 Ndynamics_solverThis namespace includes the dynamics_solver library
 Nkinematic_constraintsRepresentation and evaluation of kinematic constraints
 NkinematicsAPI for forward and inverse kinematics
 Nkinematics_metricsNamespace for kinematics metrics
 NmoveitMain namespace for MoveIt
 Nmoveit_controller_managerNamespace for the base class of a MoveIt controller manager
 Nmoveit_sensor_managerNamespace for the base class of a MoveIt sensor manager
 Nompl_interfaceThe MoveIt interface to OMPL
 Nplan_executionThis namespace includes functionality specific to the execution and monitoring of motion plans
 Nplanning_interfaceThis namespace includes the base class for MoveIt planners
 Nplanning_pipelinePlanning pipeline
 Nplanning_request_adapterGeneric interface to adapting motion planning requests
 Nplanning_sceneThis namespace includes the central class for representing planning contexts