The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext Class Reference

#include <model_based_planning_context.h>

Inheritance diagram for ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ModelBasedPlanningContext (const std::string &name, const ModelBasedPlanningContextSpecification &spec)
 ~ModelBasedPlanningContext () override
bool solve (planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse &res) override
 Solve the motion planning problem and store the result in res. This function should not clear data structures before computing. The constructor and clear() do that. More...
bool solve (planning_interface::MotionPlanDetailedResponse &res) override
 Solve the motion planning problem and store the detailed result in res. This function should not clear data structures before computing. The constructor and clear() do that. More...
void clear () override
 Clear the data structures used by the planner. More...
bool terminate () override
 If solve() is running, terminate the computation. Return false if termination not possible. No-op if solve() is not running (returns true). More...
const ModelBasedPlanningContextSpecificationgetSpecification () const
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & getSpecificationConfig () const
void setSpecificationConfig (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &config)
const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr & getRobotModel () const
const moveit::core::JointModelGroupgetJointModelGroup () const
const moveit::core::RobotStategetCompleteInitialRobotState () const
const ModelBasedStateSpacePtr & getOMPLStateSpace () const
const og::SimpleSetupPtr & getOMPLSimpleSetup () const
og::SimpleSetupPtr & getOMPLSimpleSetup ()
const ot::Benchmark & getOMPLBenchmark () const
ot::Benchmark & getOMPLBenchmark ()
const kinematic_constraints::KinematicConstraintSetPtr & getPathConstraints () const
unsigned int getMaximumStateSamplingAttempts () const
void setMaximumStateSamplingAttempts (unsigned int max_state_sampling_attempts)
unsigned int getMaximumGoalSamplingAttempts () const
void setMaximumGoalSamplingAttempts (unsigned int max_goal_sampling_attempts)
unsigned int getMaximumGoalSamples () const
void setMaximumGoalSamples (unsigned int max_goal_samples)
unsigned int getMaximumPlanningThreads () const
void setMaximumPlanningThreads (unsigned int max_planning_threads)
double getMaximumSolutionSegmentLength () const
void setMaximumSolutionSegmentLength (double mssl)
unsigned int getMinimumWaypointCount () const
void setMinimumWaypointCount (unsigned int mwc)
 Get the minimum number of waypoints along the solution path. More...
const constraint_samplers::ConstraintSamplerManagerPtr & getConstraintSamplerManager ()
void setConstraintSamplerManager (const constraint_samplers::ConstraintSamplerManagerPtr &csm)
void setVerboseStateValidityChecks (bool flag)
void setProjectionEvaluator (const std::string &peval)
void setPlanningVolume (const moveit_msgs::msg::WorkspaceParameters &wparams)
void setCompleteInitialState (const moveit::core::RobotState &complete_initial_robot_state)
bool setGoalConstraints (const std::vector< moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints > &goal_constraints, const moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints &path_constraints, moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes *error)
bool setPathConstraints (const moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints &path_constraints, moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes *error)
void setConstraintsApproximations (const ConstraintsLibraryPtr &constraints_library)
ConstraintsLibraryPtr getConstraintsLibraryNonConst ()
const ConstraintsLibraryPtr & getConstraintsLibrary () const
bool simplifySolutions () const
void simplifySolutions (bool flag)
void setInterpolation (bool flag)
void setHybridize (bool flag)
const moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes solve (double timeout, unsigned int count)
bool benchmark (double timeout, unsigned int count, const std::string &filename="")
double getLastPlanTime () const
double getLastSimplifyTime () const
void simplifySolution (double timeout)
void interpolateSolution ()
bool getSolutionPath (robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory &traj) const
void convertPath (const og::PathGeometric &pg, robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory &traj) const
bool loadConstraintApproximations (const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node)
 Look up param server 'constraint_approximations' and use its value as the path to load constraint approximations to. More...
bool saveConstraintApproximations (const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node)
 Look up param server 'constraint_approximations' and use its value as the path to save constraint approximations to. More...
virtual void configure (const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node, bool use_constraints_approximations)
 Configure ompl_simple_setup_ and optionally the constraints_library_. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from planning_interface::PlanningContext
 PlanningContext (const std::string &name, const std::string &group)
 Construct a planning context named name for the group group. More...
virtual ~PlanningContext ()
const std::string & getGroupName () const
 Get the name of the group this planning context is for. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Get the name of this planning context. More...
const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr & getPlanningScene () const
 Get the planning scene associated to this planning context. More...
const MotionPlanRequestgetMotionPlanRequest () const
 Get the motion plan request associated to this planning context. More...
void setPlanningScene (const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr &planning_scene)
 Set the planning scene for this context. More...
void setMotionPlanRequest (const MotionPlanRequest &request)
 Set the planning request for this context. More...

Protected Member Functions

void preSolve ()
void postSolve ()
void startSampling ()
void stopSampling ()
virtual ob::ProjectionEvaluatorPtr getProjectionEvaluator (const std::string &peval) const
virtual ob::StateSamplerPtr allocPathConstrainedSampler (const ompl::base::StateSpace *ss) const
virtual void useConfig ()
virtual ob::GoalPtr constructGoal ()
virtual ob::PlannerTerminationCondition constructPlannerTerminationCondition (double timeout, const ompl::time::point &start)
void registerTerminationCondition (const ob::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
void unregisterTerminationCondition ()
int32_t logPlannerStatus (const og::SimpleSetupPtr &ompl_simple_setup)
 Convert OMPL PlannerStatus to moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCode. More...

Protected Attributes

ModelBasedPlanningContextSpecification spec_
moveit::core::RobotState complete_initial_robot_state_
og::SimpleSetupPtr ompl_simple_setup_
 the OMPL planning context; this contains the problem definition and the planner used More...
ot::Benchmark ompl_benchmark_
 the OMPL tool for benchmarking planners More...
ot::ParallelPlan ompl_parallel_plan_
 tool used to compute multiple plans in parallel; this uses the problem definition maintained by ompl_simple_setup_ More...
std::vector< int > space_signature_
kinematic_constraints::KinematicConstraintSetPtr path_constraints_
moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints path_constraints_msg_
std::vector< kinematic_constraints::KinematicConstraintSetPtr > goal_constraints_
const ob::PlannerTerminationCondition * ptc_
std::mutex ptc_lock_
double last_plan_time_
 the time spent computing the last plan More...
double last_simplify_time_
 the time spent simplifying the last plan More...
unsigned int max_goal_samples_
unsigned int max_state_sampling_attempts_
unsigned int max_goal_sampling_attempts_
 maximum number of attempts to be made at sampling a goal states More...
unsigned int max_planning_threads_
 when planning in parallel, this is the maximum number of threads to use at one time More...
double max_solution_segment_length_
unsigned int minimum_waypoint_count_
bool multi_query_planning_enabled_
 when false, clears planners before running solve() More...
ConstraintsLibraryPtr constraints_library_
bool simplify_solutions_
bool interpolate_
bool hybridize_
- Protected Attributes inherited from planning_interface::PlanningContext
std::string name_
 The name of this planning context. More...
std::string group_
 The group (as in the SRDF) this planning context is for. More...
planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr planning_scene_
 The planning scene for this context. More...
MotionPlanRequest request_
 The planning request for this context. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 88 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ModelBasedPlanningContext()

ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::ModelBasedPlanningContext ( const std::string &  name,
const ModelBasedPlanningContextSpecification spec 

Definition at line 75 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~ModelBasedPlanningContext()

ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::~ModelBasedPlanningContext ( )

Definition at line 93 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocPathConstrainedSampler()

ompl::base::StateSamplerPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::allocPathConstrainedSampler ( const ompl::base::StateSpace *  ss) const

Definition at line 226 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ benchmark()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::benchmark ( double  timeout,
unsigned int  count,
const std::string &  filename = "" 

Definition at line 691 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ clear()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::clear ( )

Clear the data structures used by the planner.

Implements planning_interface::PlanningContext.

Definition at line 618 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ configure()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::configure ( const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &  node,
bool  use_constraints_approximations 

Configure ompl_simple_setup_ and optionally the constraints_library_.

ompl_simple_setup_ gets a start state, state sampler, and state validity checker.

nodeROS node used to load the constraint approximations.
use_constraints_approximationsSet to true if we want to load the constraint approximation.

Definition at line 103 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ constructGoal()

ompl::base::GoalPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::constructGoal ( )

Definition at line 505 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ constructPlannerTerminationCondition()

ompl::base::PlannerTerminationCondition ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::constructPlannerTerminationCondition ( double  timeout,
const ompl::time::point &  start 

Definition at line 539 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convertPath()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::convertPath ( const og::PathGeometric &  pg,
robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory traj 
) const

Definition at line 476 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getCompleteInitialRobotState()

const moveit::core::RobotState& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getCompleteInitialRobotState ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getConstraintSamplerManager()

const constraint_samplers::ConstraintSamplerManagerPtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getConstraintSamplerManager ( )

Definition at line 234 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getConstraintsLibrary()

const ConstraintsLibraryPtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getConstraintsLibrary ( ) const

Definition at line 268 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getConstraintsLibraryNonConst()

ConstraintsLibraryPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getConstraintsLibraryNonConst ( )

Definition at line 263 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getJointModelGroup()

const moveit::core::JointModelGroup* ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getJointModelGroup ( ) const

Definition at line 123 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getLastPlanTime()

double ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getLastPlanTime ( ) const

Definition at line 308 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getLastSimplifyTime()

double ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getLastSimplifyTime ( ) const

Definition at line 314 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getMaximumGoalSamples()

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getMaximumGoalSamples ( ) const

Definition at line 188 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getMaximumGoalSamplingAttempts()

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getMaximumGoalSamplingAttempts ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getMaximumPlanningThreads()

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getMaximumPlanningThreads ( ) const

Definition at line 200 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getMaximumSolutionSegmentLength()

double ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getMaximumSolutionSegmentLength ( ) const

Definition at line 212 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getMaximumStateSamplingAttempts()

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getMaximumStateSamplingAttempts ( ) const

Definition at line 164 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getMinimumWaypointCount()

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getMinimumWaypointCount ( ) const

Definition at line 223 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getOMPLBenchmark() [1/2]

ot::Benchmark& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getOMPLBenchmark ( )

Definition at line 153 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getOMPLBenchmark() [2/2]

const ot::Benchmark& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getOMPLBenchmark ( ) const

Definition at line 148 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getOMPLSimpleSetup() [1/2]

og::SimpleSetupPtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getOMPLSimpleSetup ( )

Definition at line 143 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getOMPLSimpleSetup() [2/2]

const og::SimpleSetupPtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getOMPLSimpleSetup ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getOMPLStateSpace()

const ModelBasedStateSpacePtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getOMPLStateSpace ( ) const

Definition at line 133 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPathConstraints()

const kinematic_constraints::KinematicConstraintSetPtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getPathConstraints ( ) const

Definition at line 158 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getProjectionEvaluator()

ompl::base::ProjectionEvaluatorPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getProjectionEvaluator ( const std::string &  peval) const

Definition at line 162 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ getRobotModel()

const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getRobotModel ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getSolutionPath()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getSolutionPath ( robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory traj) const

Definition at line 487 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSpecification()

const ModelBasedPlanningContextSpecification& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getSpecification ( ) const

Definition at line 103 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ getSpecificationConfig()

const std::map<std::string, std::string>& ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::getSpecificationConfig ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ interpolateSolution()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::interpolateSolution ( )

Definition at line 448 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ loadConstraintApproximations()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::loadConstraintApproximations ( const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &  node)

Look up param server 'constraint_approximations' and use its value as the path to load constraint approximations to.

Definition at line 1057 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ logPlannerStatus()

int32_t ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::logPlannerStatus ( const og::SimpleSetupPtr &  ompl_simple_setup)

Convert OMPL PlannerStatus to moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCode.

Definition at line 975 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ postSolve()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::postSolve ( )

Definition at line 750 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ preSolve()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::preSolve ( )

Definition at line 737 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ registerTerminationCondition()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::registerTerminationCondition ( const ob::PlannerTerminationCondition &  ptc)

Definition at line 963 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ saveConstraintApproximations()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::saveConstraintApproximations ( const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &  node)

Look up param server 'constraint_approximations' and use its value as the path to save constraint approximations to.

Definition at line 1045 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ setCompleteInitialState()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setCompleteInitialState ( const moveit::core::RobotState complete_initial_robot_state)

Definition at line 611 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setConstraintSamplerManager()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setConstraintSamplerManager ( const constraint_samplers::ConstraintSamplerManagerPtr &  csm)

Definition at line 239 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setConstraintsApproximations()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setConstraintsApproximations ( const ConstraintsLibraryPtr &  constraints_library)

Definition at line 258 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setGoalConstraints()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setGoalConstraints ( const std::vector< moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints > &  goal_constraints,
const moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints &  path_constraints,
moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes *  error 

Definition at line 658 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setHybridize()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setHybridize ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 288 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setInterpolation()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setInterpolation ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 283 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setMaximumGoalSamples()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setMaximumGoalSamples ( unsigned int  max_goal_samples)

Definition at line 194 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setMaximumGoalSamplingAttempts()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setMaximumGoalSamplingAttempts ( unsigned int  max_goal_sampling_attempts)

Definition at line 182 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setMaximumPlanningThreads()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setMaximumPlanningThreads ( unsigned int  max_planning_threads)

Definition at line 206 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setMaximumSolutionSegmentLength()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setMaximumSolutionSegmentLength ( double  mssl)

Definition at line 218 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setMaximumStateSamplingAttempts()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setMaximumStateSamplingAttempts ( unsigned int  max_state_sampling_attempts)

Definition at line 170 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setMinimumWaypointCount()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setMinimumWaypointCount ( unsigned int  mwc)

Get the minimum number of waypoints along the solution path.

Definition at line 229 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setPathConstraints()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setPathConstraints ( const moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints &  path_constraints,
moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes *  error 

Definition at line 647 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ setPlanningVolume()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setPlanningVolume ( const moveit_msgs::msg::WorkspaceParameters &  wparams)

Definition at line 419 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ setProjectionEvaluator()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setProjectionEvaluator ( const std::string &  peval)

Definition at line 149 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ setSpecificationConfig()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setSpecificationConfig ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  config)

Definition at line 113 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ setVerboseStateValidityChecks()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::setVerboseStateValidityChecks ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 497 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ simplifySolution()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::simplifySolution ( double  timeout)

Definition at line 438 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ simplifySolutions() [1/2]

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::simplifySolutions ( ) const

Definition at line 273 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ simplifySolutions() [2/2]

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::simplifySolutions ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 278 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ solve() [1/3]

const moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::solve ( double  timeout,
unsigned int  count 

Definition at line 851 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ solve() [2/3]

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::solve ( planning_interface::MotionPlanDetailedResponse res)

Solve the motion planning problem and store the detailed result in res. This function should not clear data structures before computing. The constructor and clear() do that.

Implements planning_interface::PlanningContext.

Definition at line 800 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ solve() [3/3]

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::solve ( planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse res)

Solve the motion planning problem and store the result in res. This function should not clear data structures before computing. The constructor and clear() do that.

Implements planning_interface::PlanningContext.

Definition at line 767 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ startSampling()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::startSampling ( )

Definition at line 709 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ stopSampling()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::stopSampling ( )

Definition at line 723 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ terminate()

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::terminate ( )

If solve() is running, terminate the computation. Return false if termination not possible. No-op if solve() is not running (returns true).

Implements planning_interface::PlanningContext.

Definition at line 1035 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ unregisterTerminationCondition()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::unregisterTerminationCondition ( )

Definition at line 969 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

◆ useConfig()

void ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::useConfig ( )

Definition at line 275 of file model_based_planning_context.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ complete_initial_robot_state_

moveit::core::RobotState ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::complete_initial_robot_state_

Definition at line 396 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ constraints_library_

ConstraintsLibraryPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::constraints_library_

Definition at line 447 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ goal_constraints_

std::vector<kinematic_constraints::KinematicConstraintSetPtr> ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::goal_constraints_

Definition at line 411 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ hybridize_

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::hybridize_

Definition at line 455 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ interpolate_

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::interpolate_

Definition at line 452 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ last_plan_time_

double ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::last_plan_time_

the time spent computing the last plan

Definition at line 417 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ last_simplify_time_

double ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::last_simplify_time_

the time spent simplifying the last plan

Definition at line 420 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ max_goal_samples_

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::max_goal_samples_

maximum number of valid states to store in the goal region for any planning request (when such sampling is possible)

Definition at line 424 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ max_goal_sampling_attempts_

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::max_goal_sampling_attempts_

maximum number of attempts to be made at sampling a goal states

Definition at line 431 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ max_planning_threads_

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::max_planning_threads_

when planning in parallel, this is the maximum number of threads to use at one time

Definition at line 434 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ max_solution_segment_length_

double ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::max_solution_segment_length_

the maximum length that is allowed for segments that make up the motion plan; by default this is 1% from the extent of the space

Definition at line 438 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ max_state_sampling_attempts_

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::max_state_sampling_attempts_

maximum number of attempts to be made at sampling a state when attempting to find valid states that satisfy some set of constraints

Definition at line 428 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ minimum_waypoint_count_

unsigned int ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::minimum_waypoint_count_

the minimum number of points to include on the solution path (interpolation is used to reach this number, if needed)

Definition at line 442 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ multi_query_planning_enabled_

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::multi_query_planning_enabled_

when false, clears planners before running solve()

Definition at line 445 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ ompl_benchmark_

ot::Benchmark ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::ompl_benchmark_

the OMPL tool for benchmarking planners

Definition at line 402 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ ompl_parallel_plan_

ot::ParallelPlan ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::ompl_parallel_plan_

tool used to compute multiple plans in parallel; this uses the problem definition maintained by ompl_simple_setup_

Definition at line 405 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ ompl_simple_setup_

og::SimpleSetupPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::ompl_simple_setup_

the OMPL planning context; this contains the problem definition and the planner used

Definition at line 399 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ path_constraints_

kinematic_constraints::KinematicConstraintSetPtr ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::path_constraints_

Definition at line 409 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ path_constraints_msg_

moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::path_constraints_msg_

Definition at line 410 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ ptc_

const ob::PlannerTerminationCondition* ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::ptc_

Definition at line 413 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ ptc_lock_

std::mutex ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::ptc_lock_

Definition at line 414 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ simplify_solutions_

bool ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::simplify_solutions_

Definition at line 449 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ space_signature_

std::vector<int> ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::space_signature_

Definition at line 407 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

◆ spec_

ModelBasedPlanningContextSpecification ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContext::spec_

Definition at line 394 of file model_based_planning_context.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: