The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.
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unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp File Reference
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <pilz_industrial_motion_planner/joint_limits_aggregator.h>
#include <pilz_industrial_motion_planner/trajectory_generator_lin.h>
#include <pilz_industrial_motion_planner_testutils/command_types_typedef.h>
#include <pilz_industrial_motion_planner_testutils/xml_testdata_loader.h>
#include "test_utils.h"
#include <moveit/kinematic_constraints/utils.h>
#include <moveit/robot_model/robot_model.h>
#include <moveit/robot_model_loader/robot_model_loader.h>
#include <moveit/robot_state/conversions.h>
#include <moveit/robot_state/robot_state.h>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
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class  TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest
 Parameterized unittest of trajectory generator LIN to enable tests against different robot models.The parameter is the name of robot model parameter on the ros parameter server. More...


const std::string TEST_DATA_FILE_NAME ("testdata_file_name")
const std::string PARAM_PLANNING_GROUP_NAME ("planning_group")
const std::string TARGET_LINK_HCD ("target_link_hand_computed_data")
const std::string RANDOM_TEST_TRIAL_NUM ("random_trial_number")
const std::string JOINT_POSITION_TOLERANCE ("joint_position_tolerance")
const std::string JOINT_VELOCITY_TOLERANCE ("joint_velocity_tolerance")
const std::string POSE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_NORM_TOLERANCE ("pose_norm_tolerance")
const std::string ROTATION_AXIS_NORM_TOLERANCE ("rot_axis_norm_tolerance")
const std::string VELOCITY_SCALING_FACTOR ("velocity_scaling_factor")
const std::string OTHER_TOLERANCE ("other_tolerance")
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, TestExceptionErrorCodeMapping)
 Checks that each derived MoveItErrorCodeException contains the correct error code.
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, nonZeroStartVelocity)
 test the lin planner with invalid motion plan request which has non zero start velocity
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, jointSpaceGoal)
 test the lin planner with joint space goal
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, jointSpaceGoalNearZeroStartVelocity)
 test the lin planner with joint space goal with start velocity almost zero
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, cartesianSpaceGoal)
 test the lin planner with Cartesian goal
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, cartesianTrapezoidProfile)
 test the trapezoid shape of the planning trajectory in Cartesian space
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, LinPlannerLimitViolation)
 Check that lin planner returns 'false' if calculated lin trajectory violates velocity/acceleration or deceleration limits.
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, LinPlannerDiscontinuousJointTraj)
 test joint linear movement with discontinuities in joint space
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, LinStartEqualsGoal)
 test joint linear movement with equal goal and start
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, IncorrectJointNumber)
 Checks that generate() function returns 'false' if called with an incorrect number of joints.
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, cartGoalIncompleteStartState)
 test invalid motion plan request with incomplete start state and cartesian goal
 TEST_F (TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest, cartGoalFrameIdBothConstraints)
 Set a frame id in goal constraint with cartesian goal on both position and orientation constraints.
int main (int argc, char **argv)

Function Documentation


const std::string JOINT_POSITION_TOLERANCE ( "joint_position_tolerance"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string JOINT_VELOCITY_TOLERANCE ( "joint_velocity_tolerance"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 457 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.


const std::string OTHER_TOLERANCE ( "other_tolerance"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string PARAM_PLANNING_GROUP_NAME ( "planning_group"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string POSE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_NORM_TOLERANCE ( "pose_norm_tolerance"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string RANDOM_TEST_TRIAL_NUM ( "random_trial_number"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string ROTATION_AXIS_NORM_TOLERANCE ( "rot_axis_norm_tolerance"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string TARGET_LINK_HCD ( "target_link_hand_computed_data"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


const std::string TEST_DATA_FILE_NAME ( "testdata_file_name"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [1/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test the lin planner with Cartesian goal

Definition at line 269 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [2/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test the trapezoid shape of the planning trajectory in Cartesian space

The test checks translational path for a trapezoid velocity profile. Due to the way the acceleration is calculated 1 or 2 intermediate points occur that are neither acceleration, constant or deceleration.


  • plan LIN trajectory + +++++++++++++++++++++++

Definition at line 291 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [3/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

Set a frame id in goal constraint with cartesian goal on both position and orientation constraints.

Definition at line 440 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [4/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test invalid motion plan request with incomplete start state and cartesian goal

Definition at line 422 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [5/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

Checks that generate() function returns 'false' if called with an incorrect number of joints.

Test Sequence:

  1. Call functions with incorrect number of joints.

Expected Results:

  1. Function returns 'false'.

Definition at line 404 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [6/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test the lin planner with joint space goal

Definition at line 232 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [7/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test the lin planner with joint space goal with start velocity almost zero

Definition at line 249 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [8/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test joint linear movement with discontinuities in joint space

This will violate joint velocity/acceleration limits.

Test Sequence:

  1. Generate lin trajectory which is discontinuous in joint space.

Expected Results:

  1. Function returns 'false'.

Definition at line 347 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [9/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

Check that lin planner returns 'false' if calculated lin trajectory violates velocity/acceleration or deceleration limits.

Test Sequence:

  1. Call function with lin request violating velocity/acceleration or deceleration limits.

Expected Results:

  1. Function returns 'false'.

Definition at line 326 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [10/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test joint linear movement with equal goal and start

Test Sequence:

  1. Call function with lin request start = goal

Expected Results:

  1. trajectory generation is successful.

Definition at line 372 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [11/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

test the lin planner with invalid motion plan request which has non zero start velocity

Definition at line 216 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.

◆ TEST_F() [12/12]

TEST_F ( TrajectoryGeneratorLINTest  ,

Checks that each derived MoveItErrorCodeException contains the correct error code.

Definition at line 189 of file unittest_trajectory_generator_lin.cpp.


const std::string VELOCITY_SCALING_FACTOR ( "velocity_scaling_factor"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function: