CIKFastKinematicsPlugin | |
CLimitObeyingSol | |
►Ncached_ik_kinematics_plugin | |
CCachedIKKinematicsPlugin | |
CCachedMultiTipIKKinematicsPlugin | |
CGreedyKCenters | An instance of this class can be used to greedily select a given number of representatives from a set of data points that are all far apart from each other |
CHasRobotDescApi | |
CHasRobotDescApi< KinematicsPlugin, decltype(std::declval< KinematicsPlugin & >().KinematicsPlugin::initialize(std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), std::vector< std::string >(), 0.0))> | |
CHasRobotModelApi | |
CHasRobotModelApi< KinematicsPlugin, decltype(std::declval< KinematicsPlugin & >().initialize(std::declval< const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr & >(), std::declval< const moveit::core::RobotModel & >(), std::string(), std::string(), std::vector< std::string >(), 0.0))> | |
►CIKCache | A cache of inverse kinematic solutions |
COptions | |
CPose | Class to represent end effector pose |
CIKCacheMap | |
CNearestNeighbors | Abstract representation of a container that can perform nearest neighbors queries |
►CNearestNeighborsGNAT | Geometric Near-neighbor Access Tree (GNAT), a data structure for nearest neighbor search |
CNode | |
►Nchomp | |
CChompCost | Represents the smoothness cost for CHOMP, for a single joint |
CChompOptimizer | |
CChompParameters | |
CChompPlanner | |
CChompTrajectory | Represents a discretized joint-space trajectory for CHOMP |
CMultivariateGaussian | Generates samples from a multivariate gaussian distribution |
►Nchomp_interface | |
CCHOMPInterface | |
CCHOMPPlannerManager | |
CCHOMPPlanningContext | |
►Ncollision_detection | |
CAllowedCollisionMatrix | Definition of a structure for the allowed collision matrix. All elements in the collision world are referred to by their names. This class represents which collisions are allowed to happen and which are not |
CBodyDecomposition | |
CBodyDecompositionCache | |
CCollisionData | Data structure which is passed to the collision callback function of the collision manager |
CCollisionDetectorAllocator | An allocator for a compatible CollisionWorld/CollisionRobot pair |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorAllValid | An allocator for AllValid collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorBullet | An allocator for Bullet collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorDistanceField | An allocator for Distance Field collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorFCL | An allocator for FCL collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorHybrid | An allocator for Hybrid collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorTemplate | Template class to make it easy to create an allocator for a specific CollisionWorld/CollisionRobot pair |
CCollisionDetectorBtPluginLoader | |
CCollisionDetectorFCLPluginLoader | |
CCollisionEnv | Provides the interface to the individual collision checking libraries |
CCollisionEnvAllValid | Collision environment which always just returns no collisions |
CCollisionEnvBullet |
►CCollisionEnvDistanceField | |
CDistanceFieldCacheEntryWorld | |
CCollisionEnvFCL | FCL implementation of the CollisionEnv |
CCollisionEnvHybrid | This hybrid collision environment combines FCL and a distance field. Both can be used to calculate collisions |
CCollisionGeometryData | Wrapper around world, link and attached objects' geometry data |
CCollisionPlugin | Plugin API for loading a custom collision detection robot/world |
►CCollisionPluginCache | |
CCollisionPluginCacheImpl | |
CCollisionPluginLoader | |
CCollisionRequest | Representation of a collision checking request |
CCollisionResult | Representation of a collision checking result |
CCollisionSphere | |
CContact | Definition of a contact point |
CCostSource | When collision costs are computed, this structure contains information about the partial cost incurred in a particular volume |
CDistanceData | Data structure which is passed to the distance callback function of the collision manager |
CDistanceFieldCacheEntry | |
CDistanceRequest | Representation of a distance-reporting request |
CDistanceResult | Result of a distance request |
CDistanceResultsData | Generic representation of the distance information for a pair of objects |
CFCLGeometry | Bundles the CollisionGeometryData and FCL collision geometry representation into a single class |
CFCLManager | Bundles an FCLObject and a broadphase FCL collision manager |
CFCLObject | A general high-level object which consists of multiple FCLCollisionObjects. It is the top level data structure which is used in the collision checking process |
CFCLShapeCache | Cache for an arbitrary type of shape. It is assigned during the execution of createCollisionGeometry() |
CGradientInfo | |
CGroupStateRepresentation | |
COccMapTree | |
CPosedBodyPointDecomposition | |
CPosedBodyPointDecompositionVector | |
CPosedBodySphereDecomposition | |
CPosedBodySphereDecompositionVector | |
CPosedDistanceField | |
CProximityInfo | |
►CWorld | Maintain a representation of the environment |
CAction | Represents an action that occurred on an object in the world. Several bits may be set indicating several things happened to the object. If the DESTROY bit is set, other bits will not be set |
CObject | A representation of an object |
CObserverHandle | |
CWorldDiff | Maintain a diff list of changes that have happened to a World |
►Ncollision_detection_bullet | |
CBroadphaseContactResultCallback | Callback structure for both discrete and continuous broadphase collision pair |
CBroadphaseFilterCallback | |
CBulletBVHManager | A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) implementation of a tesseract contact manager |
CBulletCastBVHManager | A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) implementation of a tesseract contact manager |
CBulletDiscreteBVHManager | A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) implementation of a discrete bullet manager |
CCastHullShape | Casted collision shape used for checking if an object is collision free between two discrete poses |
CCollisionObjectWrapper | Tesseract bullet collision object |
CContactTestData | Bundles the data for a collision query |
CTesseractBroadphaseBridgedManifoldResult | |
CTesseractCollisionPairCallback | A callback function that is called as part of the broadphase collision checking |
►Nconstraint_sampler_manager_loader | |
►CConstraintSamplerManagerLoader | |
CHelper | |
►Nconstraint_samplers | The constraint samplers namespace contains a number of methods for generating samples based on a constraint or set of constraints |
CConstraintSampler | ConstraintSampler is an abstract base class that allows the sampling of a kinematic state for a particular group of a robot |
CConstraintSamplerAllocator | |
CConstraintSamplerManager | This class assists in the generation of a ConstraintSampler for a particular group from a moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints |
CIKConstraintSampler | A class that allows the sampling of IK constraints |
CIKSamplingPose | A structure for potentially holding a position constraint and an orientation constraint for use during Ik Sampling |
►CJointConstraintSampler | JointConstraintSampler is a class that allows the sampling of joints in a particular group of the robot, subject to a set of individual joint constraints |
CJointInfo | An internal structure used for maintaining constraints on a particular joint |
COrderSamplers | |
CUnionConstraintSampler | This class exists as a union of constraint samplers. It contains a vector of constraint samplers, and will sample from each of them |
►Ncreate_deprecated_headers | |
CDeprecatedHeader | |
CDeprecatedHeaderGenerator | |
CHeaderSummary | |
CHppFile | |
CNoIncludeDirectory | |
CNoIncludeGuard | |
►Ncreate_ikfast_moveit_plugin | |
CPackageNotFoundError | |
►Ndefault_planning_request_adapters | |
CCheckForStackedConstraints | Check if the motion plan request contains stacked path or goal constraints |
CCheckStartStateBounds | The CheckStartStateBounds adapter validates if the start state is within the joint limits specified in the URDF |
CCheckStartStateCollision | This adapter checks if the start state is in collision |
CResolveConstraintFrames | Transforms frames used in constraints to link frames in the robot model |
CValidateWorkspaceBounds | If not specified by the planning request, this request adapter will specify a default workspace for planning |
►Ndefault_planning_response_adapters | |
CAddRuckigTrajectorySmoothing | Use ruckig (https://github.com/pantor/ruckig) to adapt the trajectory to be jerk-constrained and time-optimal |
CAddTimeOptimalParameterization | This adapter uses the time-optimal trajectory generation method |
CDisplayMotionPath | Adapter to publish the EE path as marker array via ROS topic if a path exist. Otherwise, a warning is printed but this adapter cannot fail |
CValidateSolution | Adapter to check the request path validity (collision avoidance, feasibility and constraint satisfaction) |
►Ndistance_field | Namespace for holding classes that generate distance fields |
CCompareEigenVector3i | Struct for sorting type Eigen::Vector3i for use in sorted std containers. Sorts in z order, then y order, then x order |
CDistanceField | DistanceField is an abstract base class for computing distances from sets of 3D obstacle points. The distance assigned to a freespace cell should be the distance to the closest obstacle cell. Cells that are obstacle cells should either be marked as zero distance, or may have a negative distance if a signed version of the distance field is being used and an obstacle point is internal to an obstacle volume |
CPropagationDistanceField | A DistanceField implementation that uses a vector propagation method. Distances propagate outward from occupied cells, or inwards from unoccupied cells if negative distances are to be computed, which is optional. Outward and inward propagation only occur to a desired maximum distance - cells that are more than this maximum distance from the nearest cell will have maximum distance measurements |
CPropDistanceFieldVoxel | Structure that holds voxel information for the DistanceField. Will be used in VoxelGrid |
CVoxelGrid | VoxelGrid holds a dense 3D, axis-aligned set of data at a given resolution, where the data is supplied as a template parameter |
►Ndynamics_solver | This namespace includes the dynamics_solver library |
CDynamicsSolver | |
►Nfanuc-kdl | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nfanuc-kdl-singular | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nfcl | |
►Ndetails | |
CVec3Data | |
CVec3fX | |
►Ngtest_with_move_group | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Nikfast | |
CIkFastFunctions | Holds function pointers for all the exported functions of ikfast |
CIkSingleDOFSolutionBase | Holds the solution for a single dof |
CIkSolution | Default implementation of IkSolutionBase |
CIkSolutionBase | The discrete solutions are returned in this structure |
CIkSolutionList | Default implementation of IkSolutionListBase |
CIkSolutionListBase | Manages all the solutions |
►Njoint_limits | |
CJointLimits | |
CSoftJointLimits | |
►NKDL | |
CChainIkSolverVelMimicSVD | |
►Nkdl_kinematics_plugin | |
CJointMimic | A model of a mimic joint. Mimic joints are typically unactuated joints that are constrained to follow the motion of another joint. The constraint is linear, i.e. joint_angle_constrained_joint = joint_angle_mimicked_joint*multiplier + offset |
CKDLKinematicsPlugin | Specific implementation of kinematics using KDL. This version supports any kinematic chain, also including mimic joints |
►Nkinematic_constraints | Representation and evaluation of kinematic constraints |
CConstraintEvaluationResult | Struct for containing the results of constraint evaluation |
CJointConstraint | Class for handling single DOF joint constraints |
CKinematicConstraint | Base class for representing a kinematic constraint |
CKinematicConstraintSet | A class that contains many different constraints, and can check RobotState *versus the full set. A set is satisfied if and only if all constraints are satisfied |
COrientationConstraint | Class for constraints on the orientation of a link |
CPositionConstraint | Class for constraints on the XYZ position of a link |
CVisibilityConstraint | Class for constraints on the visibility relationship between a sensor and a target |
►Nkinematics | API for forward and inverse kinematics |
CKinematicsBase | Provides an interface for kinematics solvers |
CKinematicsQueryOptions | A set of options for the kinematics solver |
CKinematicsResult | |
►Nkinematics_metrics | Namespace for kinematics metrics |
CKinematicsMetrics | Compute different kinds of metrics for kinematics evaluation. Currently includes manipulability |
►Nkinematics_plugin_loader | |
►CKinematicsPluginLoader | Helper class for loading kinematics solvers |
CKinematicsLoaderImpl | |
►Nmesh_filter | |
CDepthSelfFiltering | Nodelet for filtering meshes from depth images. e.g. meshes of the robot or any attached object where a transformation can be provided for |
CFilterJob | |
CFilterJob< void > | |
CGLMesh | GLMesh represents a mesh from geometric_shapes for rendering in GL frame buffers |
CGLRenderer | Abstracts the OpenGL frame buffer objects, and provides an interface to render meshes, and retrieve the color and depth ap from opengl |
CJob | This class is used to execute functions within the thread that holds the OpenGL context |
CMeshFilter | MeshFilter filters out points that belong to given meshes in depth-images |
CMeshFilterBase | |
►CSensorModel | Abstract Interface defining a sensor model for mesh filtering |
CParameters | Abstract Interface defining Sensor Parameters |
►CStereoCameraModel | Model for Disparity based devices. E.g stereo camera systems or OpenNI compatible devices |
CParameters | Parameters for Stereo-like devices |
►Nmesh_filter_test | |
CFilterTraits | |
CFilterTraits< float > | |
CFilterTraits< unsigned short > | |
CMeshFilterTest | |
►Nmove_group | |
CApplyPlanningSceneService | |
CClearOctomapService | |
CGetUrdfService | Move group capability to create an URDF string for a joint model group |
CLoadGeometryFromFileService | Move group capability to save CollisionObjects in a PlanningScene to a .scene file |
CMoveGroupCapability | |
CMoveGroupCartesianPathService | |
CMoveGroupContext | |
CMoveGroupExe | |
CMoveGroupExecuteTrajectoryAction | |
CMoveGroupGetPlanningSceneService | |
CMoveGroupKinematicsService | |
CMoveGroupMoveAction | |
CMoveGroupPlanService | |
CMoveGroupQueryPlannersService | |
CMoveGroupStateValidationService | |
CSaveGeometryToFileService | Move group capability to save CollisionObjects in a PlanningScene to a .scene file |
CTfPublisher | |
►Nmove_group_api | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Nmove_group_ompl_constraints | |
CTestGTestProcessActive | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
►Nmoveit | Main namespace for MoveIt |
►Ncore | Core components of MoveIt |
CAABB | Represents an axis-aligned bounding box |
CAttachedBody | Object defining bodies that can be attached to robot links |
►CCartesianInterpolator | |
CDistance | |
CPercentage | |
CCartesianPrecision | |
CFixedJointModel | A fixed joint |
CFloatingJointModel | A floating joint |
CJointModel | A joint from the robot. Models the transform that this joint applies in the kinematic chain. A joint consists of multiple variables. In the simplest case, when the joint is a single DOF, there is only one variable and its name is the same as the joint's name. For multi-DOF joints, each variable has a local name (e.g., x, y) but the full variable name as seen from the outside of this class is a concatenation of the "joint name"/"local
name" (e.g., a joint named 'base' with local variables 'x' and 'y' will store its full variable names as 'base/x' and 'base/y'). Local names are never used to reference variables directly |
►CJointModelGroup | |
CGroupMimicUpdate | |
CKinematicsSolver | |
CJumpThreshold | Struct with options for defining joint-space jump thresholds |
CLinkModel | A link from the robot. Contains the constant transform applied to the link and its geometry |
CMaxEEFStep | Struct for containing max_step for computeCartesianPath |
CMoveItErrorCode | Wrapper around moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes to make it easier to return an error code message from a function |
CPlanarJointModel | A planar joint |
CPrismaticJointModel | A prismatic joint |
CRevoluteJointModel | A revolute joint |
CRobotModel | Definition of a kinematic model. This class is not thread safe, however multiple instances can be created |
CRobotModelBuilder | Easily build different robot models for testing. Essentially a programmer-friendly light wrapper around URDF and SRDF. Best shown by an example: |
CRobotState | Representation of a robot's state. This includes position, velocity, acceleration and effort |
CTransforms | Provides an implementation of a snapshot of a transform tree that can be easily queried for transforming different quantities. Transforms are maintained as a list of transforms to a particular frame. All stored transforms are considered fixed |
CVariableBounds | |
►Nhybrid_planning | |
CForwardTrajectory | |
CGlobalPlannerComponent | |
CGlobalPlannerInterface | |
CHybridPlanningManager | |
CLocalConstraintSolverInterface | |
CLocalPlannerComponent | |
CMoveItPlanningPipeline | |
CPlannerLogicInterface | |
CReactionResult | |
CReplanInvalidatedTrajectory | |
CSimpleSampler | |
CSinglePlanExecution | |
CTrajectoryOperatorInterface | |
►Nplanning_interface | Simple interface to MoveIt components |
►CMoveGroupInterface | Client class to conveniently use the ROS interfaces provided by the move_group node |
CMoveGroupInterfaceImpl | |
COptions | Specification of options to use when constructing the MoveGroupInterface class |
CPlan | The representation of a motion plan (as ROS messages) |
CMoveItCppTest | |
►CPlanningSceneInterface | |
CPlanningSceneInterfaceImpl | |
►Nplanning_pipeline_interfaces | |
CPlanResponsesContainer | A container to thread-safely store multiple MotionPlanResponses |
►Npolicies | |
►Npolicy | |
CPolicy | |
►Nsemantic_world | |
CSemanticWorld | A (simple) semantic world representation for pick and place and other tasks |
►Nservo_client | |
►Ndevices | |
►Nps4_dualshock | |
CDualShockAxes | DualShock4 Device Mappings |
CDualShockButtons | |
CPS4DualShock | |
CPS4DualShockTeleop | |
►Nteleop | |
CTeleopDevice | |
►Ntools | This namespace includes classes and functions that are helpful in the implementation of other MoveIt components. This is not code specific to the functionality provided by MoveIt |
CBackgroundProcessing | This class provides simple API for executing background jobs. A queue of jobs is created and the specified jobs are executed in order, one at a time |
CConstructException | This may be thrown during construction of objects if errors occur |
CException | This may be thrown if unrecoverable errors occur |
►Nmoveit_configs_utils | |
►Nlaunch_utils | |
CDeclareBooleanLaunchArg | |
►Nmoveit_configs_builder | |
CMoveItConfigs | |
CMoveItConfigsBuilder | |
►Nsubstitutions | |
►Nxacro | |
CXacro | |
►Nmoveit_controller_manager | Namespace for the base class of a MoveIt controller manager |
CExecutionStatus | The reported execution status |
CMoveItControllerHandle | MoveIt sends commands to a controller via a handle that satisfies this interface |
►CMoveItControllerManager | MoveIt does not enforce how controllers are implemented. To make your controllers usable by MoveIt, this interface needs to be implemented. The main purpose of this interface is to expose the set of known controllers and potentially to allow activating and deactivating them, if multiple controllers are available |
CControllerState | Each controller known to MoveIt has a state. This structure describes that controller's state |
►Nmoveit_cpp | |
►CMoveItCpp | |
COptions | Parameter container for initializing MoveItCpp |
CPlanningPipelineOptions | Struct contains the the variables used for loading the planning pipeline |
CPlanningSceneMonitorOptions | Specification of options to use when constructing the MoveItCpp class |
CMoveItCppTest | |
►CPlanningComponent | |
CMultiPipelinePlanRequestParameters | Planner parameters provided with the MotionPlanRequest |
CPlanRequestParameters | Planner parameters provided with the MotionPlanRequest |
►Nmoveit_hybrid_planning | |
CHybridPlanningFixture | |
►Nmoveit_py | |
►Nbind_planning_scene_monitor | |
CLockedPlanningSceneContextManagerRO | |
CLockedPlanningSceneContextManagerRW | |
►Nmoveit_ros | |
►Ntrajectory_cache | |
CAlwaysInsertNeverPrunePolicy | A cache insertion policy that always decides to insert and never decides to prune for motion plan requests |
CBestSeenExecutionTimePolicy | A cache insertion policy that only decides to insert if the motion plan is the one with the shortest execution time seen so far amongst exactly matching MotionPlanRequests |
CCacheInsertPolicyInterface | |
CCartesianAlwaysInsertNeverPrunePolicy | A cache insertion policy that always decides to insert and never decides to prune for cartesian path requests |
CCartesianBestSeenExecutionTimePolicy | A cache insertion policy that only decides to insert if the motion plan is the one with the shortest execution time seen so far amongst exactly matching GetCartesianPath requests |
CCartesianMaxSpeedAndAccelerationFeatures | Extracts max velocity and acceleration scaling, and cartesian speed limits from the plan request |
CCartesianMaxStepAndJumpThresholdFeatures | Extracts max step and jump thresholds from the plan request |
CCartesianPathConstraintsFeatures | Extracts features from the path_constraints field in the plan request |
CCartesianStartStateJointStateFeatures | Extracts details of the joint state from the start_state field in the plan request |
CCartesianWaypointsFeatures | Extracts features from the waypoints and link_name field in the plan request |
CCartesianWorkspaceFeatures | Extracts group name and frame ID from the plan request |
CFeaturesInterface | |
CGoalConstraintsFeatures | Extracts features from the goal_constraints field in the plan request |
CMaxSpeedAndAccelerationFeatures | Extracts max velocity and acceleration scaling, and cartesian speed limits from the plan request |
CMetadataOnlyFeature | |
CPathConstraintsFeatures | Extracts features from the path_constraints field in the plan request |
CQueryOnlyEqFeature | |
CQueryOnlyGTEFeature | |
CQueryOnlyLTEFeature | |
CQueryOnlyRangeInclusiveWithToleranceFeature | |
CStartStateJointStateFeatures | Extracts details of the joint state from the start_state field in the plan request |
►CTrajectoryCache | Trajectory Cache manager for MoveIt |
COptions | |
CTrajectoryConstraintsFeatures | Extracts features from the trajectory_constraints field in the plan request |
CWorkspaceFeatures | Extracts group name and details of the workspace_parameters field in the plan request |
►Nmoveit_ros_benchmarks | |
►CBenchmarkExecutor | |
CBenchmarkRequest | |
CPathConstraints | |
CStartState | |
CTrajectoryConstraints | |
CBenchmarkOptions | Options to configure a benchmark experiment. The configuration is provided via ROS2 parameters |
►Nmoveit_ros_control_interface | |
CControllerHandleAllocator | |
CEmptyControllerAllocator | This class allows MoveIt's controller manager to start and stop a controller that does not have a corresponding controller handle implementation without actually executing MoveIt trajectories through the controller handle |
CGripperCommandControllerAllocator | Simple allocator for moveit_simple_controller_manager::GripperCommandControllerHandle instances |
CJointTrajectoryControllerAllocator | Simple allocator for moveit_simple_controller_manager::FollowJointTrajectoryControllerHandle instances |
CParallelGripperCommandControllerAllocator | Simple allocator for moveit_simple_controller_manager::ParallelGripperCommandControllerHandle instances |
CRos2ControlManager | Moveit_controller_manager::Ros2ControlManager sub class that interfaces one ros_control controller_manager instance. All services and names are relative to ns_ |
CRos2ControlMultiManager | Ros2ControlMultiManager discovers all running ros_control node and delegates member function to the corresponding Ros2ControlManager instances |
►Nmoveit_ros_planning | |
CSrdfPublisher | |
►Nmoveit_rviz_plugin | |
CJMGItemModel | |
CJogSlider | Slider that jumps back to zero |
CJointsWidgetEventFilter | |
CMotionPlanningDisplay | |
CMotionPlanningFrame | |
CMotionPlanningFrameJointsWidget | |
CMotionPlanningParamWidget | |
COcTreeRender | |
CPlanningLinkUpdater | Update the links of an rviz::Robot using a moveit::core::RobotState |
CPlanningSceneDisplay | |
CPlanningSceneRender | |
CProgressBarDelegate | Delegate to show the joint value as with a progress bar indicator between min and max |
CProgressBarEditor | Number editor via progress bar dragging |
CRenderShapes | |
CRobotStateDisplay | |
CRobotStateVisualization | Update the links of an rviz::Robot using a moveit::core::RobotState |
CTrajectoryDisplay | |
CTrajectoryPanel | |
CTrajectoryVisualization | |
►Nmoveit_servo | |
CCollisionMonitor | |
CJointJogCommand | |
CKinematicState | |
CPoseCommand | |
CServo | |
CServoNode | |
CTwistCommand | |
►Nmoveit_setup | |
►Napp | |
►CLaunchBundle | One launch file and any other bonus files that get bundled with it, i.e. the RViz launch file and its config |
CBonusFile | |
CBonusTemplatedFile | |
CGenericLaunchTemplate | |
CLaunches | Setup step for generating launch files that are not otherwise associated with a specific step |
CLaunchesConfig | Stores which LaunchBundles are configured to be generated |
CLaunchesWidget | |
CPerception | |
►CPerceptionConfig | |
CGeneratedSensorConfig | |
CPerceptionWidget | |
►Nassistant | |
CNavDelegate | |
CNavigationWidget | |
CSetupAssistantWidget | |
►Ncontrollers | |
CAdditionalControllerField | Structure for containing information about types of additional parameters |
CControlInterfaces | |
CControllerEditWidget | |
CControllerInfo | |
CControllers | |
CControllersConfig | All the controller configurations |
CControllersWidget | |
►CControlXacroConfig | |
CGeneratedControlHeader | |
CGeneratedInitialPositions | |
►CMoveItControllers | |
CActionNamespaceField | |
CDefaultField | |
►CMoveItControllersConfig | |
CGeneratedControllersConfig | |
CMoveItControllersWidget | |
CROS2Controllers | |
►CROS2ControllersConfig | |
CGeneratedControllersConfig | |
CROS2ControllersWidget | |
CUrdfModifications | |
CUrdfModificationsWidget | |
►Ncore | |
CAuthorInformation | |
CAuthorInformationWidget | |
CConfigurationFiles | |
CConfigurationFilesWidget | |
CSelectModeWidget | |
CStartScreen | |
CStartScreenWidget | Start screen user interface for MoveIt Configuration Assistant |
►Nsimulation | |
CSimulation | |
CSimulationWidget | |
►Nsrdf_setup | |
CCollisionLinearModel | |
CCollisionMatrixModel | |
CCycleDetector | |
CDefaultCollisions | |
CDefaultCollisionsWidget | User interface for editing the default collision matrix list in an SRDF |
CEndEffectors | |
CEndEffectorsWidget | |
CGroupEditWidget | |
►CGroupMetaConfig | |
CGeneratedGroupMetaConfig | |
CGroupMetaData | |
CKinematicChainWidget | |
CLinkNameTree | |
CLinkPairData | Store details on a pair of links |
CMonitorThread | QThread to monitor progress of the setup step |
CPassiveJoints | |
CPassiveJointsWidget | |
CPlanGroupType | |
CPlanningGroups | |
CPlanningGroupsWidget | |
CRobotPoses | |
CRobotPosesWidget | |
CRotatedHeaderView | |
CSliderWidget | |
CSortFilterProxyModel | |
CSRDFStep | Setup Step that contains the SRDFConfig |
CSuperSRDFStep | This class provides a number of standard operations based on srdf's vector members |
CThreadComputation | |
CVirtualJoints | |
CVirtualJointsWidget | |
CDataWarehouse | Container for all of the SetupConfig object singletons |
CDoubleListWidget | |
CGeneratedFile | Container for the logic for a single file to appear in MoveIt configuration package |
CHeaderWidget | |
CIncludedXacroConfig | A virtual class that represents a xacro header that should be included in the modified urdf configuration |
CJointModelCompare | Custom std::set comparator, used for sorting the joint_limits.yaml file into alphabetical order |
CLoadPathArgsWidget | Extend LoadPathWidget with additional line edit for arguments |
CLoadPathWidget | |
►CModifiedUrdfConfig | A configuration that stores info about modifications to the URDF |
CGeneratedModifiedURDF | |
CMoveItSetupTest | Test environment with DataWarehouse setup and help for generating files in a temp dir |
►CPackageSettingsConfig | |
CGeneratedCMake | |
CGeneratedPackageXML | |
CGeneratedSettings | |
CRVizPanel | |
CSetupConfig | Where all the data for each part of the configuration is stored |
CSetupStep | Contains all of the non-GUI code necessary for doing one "screen" worth of setup |
CSetupStepWidget | The GUI code for one SetupStep |
►CSRDFConfig | |
CGeneratedCartesianLimits | |
CGeneratedJointLimits | |
CGeneratedSRDF | |
CTemplatedGeneratedFile | Specialization of GeneratedFile for generating a text file from a template |
CTemplateVariable | Simple Key/value pair for templates |
CURDFConfig | |
CXMLAttribute | Simple structure for easy xml creation |
CXmlSyntaxHighlighter | |
CYamlGeneratedFile | |
►Nmoveit_simple_controller_manager | |
CActionBasedControllerHandle | Base class for controller handles that interact with a controller through a ROS action server |
CActionBasedControllerHandleBase | |
CEmptyControllerHandle | |
CFollowJointTrajectoryControllerHandle | |
CGripperCommandControllerHandle | |
CMoveItSimpleControllerManager | |
CParallelGripperCommandControllerHandle | |
►Nmoveit_warehouse | |
CConstraintsStorage | |
CMoveItMessageStorage | This class provides the mechanism to connect to a database and reads needed ROS parameters when appropriate |
CPlanningSceneStorage | |
CPlanningSceneWorldStorage | |
CRobotStateStorage | |
CTrajectoryConstraintsStorage | |
CWarehouseConnector | |
►Noccupancy_map_monitor | |
CDepthImageOctomapUpdater | |
CLazyFreeSpaceUpdater | |
►COccupancyMapMonitor | |
CMiddlewareHandle | This class contains the rcl interfaces for easier testing |
CParameters | This class describes parameters that are normally provided through ROS Parameters |
COccupancyMapMonitorMiddlewareHandle | This class contains the ros interfaces for OccupancyMapMontior |
COccupancyMapUpdater | Base class for classes which update the occupancy map |
CPointCloudOctomapUpdater | |
►Nompl_interface | The MoveIt interface to OMPL |
CBaseConstraint | Abstract base class for different types of constraints, implementations of ompl::base::Constraint |
CBounds | Represents upper and lower bound on the elements of a vector |
CBoxConstraint | Box shaped position constraints |
CConstrainedGoalSampler | |
CConstrainedPlanningStateSpace | State space to be used in combination with OMPL's constrained planning functionality |
CConstrainedPlanningStateSpaceFactory | |
CConstrainedPlanningStateValidityChecker | A StateValidityChecker that can handle states of type ompl::base::ConstraintStateSpace::StateType |
CConstrainedSampler | |
CConstraintApproximation | |
CConstraintApproximationConstructionOptions | |
CConstraintApproximationConstructionResults | |
CConstraintApproximationStateSampler | |
CConstraintsLibrary | |
CEqualityPositionConstraint | Equality constraints on a link's position |
CGoalSampleableRegionMux | |
CJointModelStateSpace | |
CJointModelStateSpaceFactory | |
CModelBasedPlanningContext | |
CModelBasedPlanningContextSpecification | |
►CModelBasedStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
CModelBasedStateSpaceFactory | |
CModelBasedStateSpaceSpecification | |
CMultiQueryPlannerAllocator | |
COMPLInterface | |
COMPLPlannerManager | |
COrientationConstraint | Orientation constraints parameterized using exponential coordinates |
►CPlanningContextManager | |
CCachedContexts | |
►CPoseModelStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
CPoseModelStateSpaceFactory | |
CProjectionEvaluatorJointValue | |
CProjectionEvaluatorLinkPose | |
CStateValidityChecker | An interface for a OMPL state validity checker |
CTSStateStorage | |
►Nompl_interface_testing | |
CLoadTestRobot | Robot independent test class setup |
►Nonline_signal_smoothing | |
CAccelerationLimitedPlugin | |
CButterworthFilter | |
CButterworthFilterPlugin | |
CCSCWrapper | Wrapper struct to make memory management easier for using osqp's C sparse_matrix types |
COSQPDataWrapper | Wrapper struct to make memory management easier for using osqp's C API |
CRuckigFilterPlugin | |
CSmoothingBaseClass | |
►Npanda-kdl | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Npanda-kdl-singular | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Npilz_extensions_tests | |
CJointLimitTest | |
►Npilz_industrial_motion_planner | |
►Njoint_limits_interface | |
CJointLimits | Extends joint_limits_interface::JointLimits with a deceleration parameter |
CAggregationBoundsViolationException | |
CAggregationException | A base class for all aggregation exceptions inheriting from std::runtime_exception |
CCartesianTrajectory | |
CCartesianTrajectoryPoint | |
CCommandListManager | This class orchestrates the planning of single commands and command lists |
CCommandPlanner | MoveIt Plugin for Planning with Standard Robot Commands This planner is dedicated to return a instance of PlanningContext that corresponds to the requested motion command set as planner_id in the MotionPlanRequest). It can be easily extended with additional commands by creating a class inheriting from PlanningContextLoader |
CContextLoaderRegistrationException | |
CGetSolverTipFrameIntegrationTest | |
CGetSolverTipFrameTest | Test fixture for getSolverTipFrame tests |
CJointLimitsAggregator | Unifies the joint limits from the given joint models with joint limits from the node parameters |
CJointLimitsContainer | Container for JointLimits, essentially a map with convenience functions. Adds the ability to as for limits and get a common limit that unifies all given limits |
CJointLimitsValidator | Validates the equality of all limits inside a container |
CJointModelGroupMock | |
CLimitsContainer | This class combines CartesianLimit and JointLimits into on single class |
CMoveGroupSequenceAction | Provide action to handle multiple trajectories and execute the result in the form of a MoveGroup capability (plugin) |
CMoveGroupSequenceService | Provide service to blend multiple trajectories in the form of a MoveGroup capability (plugin) |
CMoveItErrorCodeException | Exception storing an moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes value |
CPathCircleGenerator | Generator class for KDL::Path_Circle from different circle representations |
CPlanComponentsBuilder | Helper class to encapsulate the merge and blend process of trajectories |
CPlanningContextBase | PlanningContext for obtaining trajectories |
CPlanningContextCIRC | PlanningContext for obtaining CIRC trajectories |
CPlanningContextLIN | PlanningContext for obtaining LIN trajectories |
CPlanningContextLoader | Base class for all PlanningContextLoaders. Since planning_interface::PlanningContext has a non empty ctor, classes derived from it can not be plugins. This class serves as base class for wrappers |
CPlanningContextLoaderCIRC | Plugin that can generate instances of PlanningContextCIRC. Generates instances of PlanningContextLIN |
CPlanningContextLoaderLIN | Plugin that can generate instances of PlanningContextLIN. Generates instances of PlanningContextLIN |
CPlanningContextLoaderPTP | Plugin that can generate instances of PlanningContextPTP. Generates instances of PlanningContextPTP |
CPlanningContextPTP | PlanningContext for obtaining PTP trajectories |
CPlanningException | A base class for all pilz_industrial_motion_planner exceptions inheriting from std::runtime_exception |
CSolverMock | |
CTemplatedMoveItErrorCodeException | |
CTrajectoryBlender | Base class of trajectory blenders |
CTrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindow | Trajectory blender implementing transition window algorithm |
CTrajectoryBlendRequest | |
CTrajectoryBlendResponse | |
►CTrajectoryGenerator | Base class of trajectory generators |
CMotionPlanInfo | This class is used to extract needed information from motion plan request |
CTrajectoryGeneratorCIRC | This class implements a trajectory generator of arcs in Cartesian space. The arc is specified by a start pose, a goal pose and a interim point on the arc, or a point as the center of the circle which forms the arc. Complete circle is not covered by this generator |
CTrajectoryGeneratorLIN | This class implements a linear trajectory generator in Cartesian space. The Cartesian trajetory are based on trapezoid velocity profile |
CTrajectoryGeneratorPTP | This class implements a point-to-point trajectory generator based on VelocityProfileATrap |
CValidationBoundsViolationException | Thrown when the limits from the param server are weaker than the ones obtained from the urdf |
CValidationDifferentLimitsException | Thrown when the limits differ |
CValidationException | A base class for all validations exceptions inheriting from std::runtime_exception |
CValidationJointMissingException | Thrown the limits for a joint are defined in the urdf but not in the node parameters (loaded from yaml) |
CVelocityProfileATrap | A PTP Trajectory Generator of Asymmetric Trapezoidal Velocity Profile. Differences to VelocityProfile_Trap: |
►Npilz_industrial_motion_planner_testutils | |
CBaseCmd | |
CCartesianConfiguration | Class to define a robot configuration in space with the help of cartesian coordinates |
CCartesianPathConstraintsBuilder | Helper class to build moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints from a given configuration |
CCenter | Class to define the center point of the circle on which the robot is supposed to move via circ command |
CCirc | Data class storing all information regarding a Circ command |
CCircAuxiliary | Base class to define an auxiliary point needed to specify circ commands |
CCmdGetterAdapter | |
CCmdReader | |
CGoalConstraintMsgConvertible | Interface class to express that a derived class can be converted into a moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints |
CGripper | |
CInterim | Class to define a point on the circle on which the robot is supposed to move via circ command |
CJointConfiguration | Class to define a robot configuration in space with the help of joint values |
CJointConfigurationException | |
CLin | Data class storing all information regarding a linear command |
CMotionCmd | Base class for commands storing all general information of a command |
CMotionPlanRequestConvertible | Interface class to express that a derived class can be converted into a planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest |
CPtp | Data class storing all information regarding a Ptp command |
CRobotConfiguration | Class to define robot configuration in space |
CRobotStateMsgConvertible | Interface class to express that a derived class can be converted into a moveit_msgs::msg::RobotState |
CSequence | Data class storing all information regarding a Sequence command |
CTestdataLoader | Abstract base class describing the interface to access test data like robot poses and robot commands |
CTestDataLoaderReadingException | |
CToBaseVisitor | Visitor returning not the specific command type but the base type |
CToReqVisitor | Visitor transforming the stored command into a MotionPlanRequest |
►CXmlTestdataLoader | Implements a test data loader which uses a xml file to store the test data |
CAbstractCmdGetterAdapter | Abstract base class providing a GENERIC getter-function signature which can be used to load DIFFERENT command types (like Ptp, Lin, etc.) from the test data file |
►Nplan_execution | This namespace includes functionality specific to the execution and monitoring of motion plans |
CExecutableMotionPlan | A generic representation on what a computed motion plan looks like |
CExecutableTrajectory | Representation of a trajectory that can be executed |
►CPlanExecution | |
COptions | |
►Nplanning_interface | This namespace includes the base class for MoveIt planners |
CMotionPlanDetailedResponse | |
CMotionPlanResponse | Response to a planning query |
CPlannerConfigurationSettings | Specify the settings for a particular planning algorithm, for a particular group. The Planner plugin uses these settings to configure the algorithm |
CPlannerManager | Base class for a MoveIt planner |
CPlanningContext | Representation of a particular planning context – the planning scene and the request are known, solution is not yet computed |
CPlanningRequestAdapter | Concept in MoveIt which can be used to modify the planning problem(pre-processing) in a planning pipeline. PlanningRequestAdapters enable adjusting to or validating a planning problem for a subsequent planning algorithm |
CPlanningResponseAdapter | Concept in MoveIt which can be used to modify the planning solution (post-processing) in a planning pipeline. PlanningResponseAdapters enable using for example smoothing and trajectory generation algorithms in sequence to produce a trajectory |
►Nplanning_pipeline | |
CPlanningPipeline | This class facilitates loading planning plugins and planning adapter plugins. It implements functionality to use the loaded plugins in a motion planning pipeline consisting of PlanningRequestAdapters (Pre-processing), a Planner plugin and PlanningResponseAdapters (Post-processing) |
►Nplanning_pipeline_test | |
CAlwaysSuccessRequestAdapter | A dummy request adapter that does nothing and is always successful |
CAlwaysSuccessResponseAdapter | A dummy response adapter that does nothing and is always successful |
CDummyPlannerManager | A dummy planning manager that does nothing |
CDummyPlanningContext | A dummy planning context that does nothing and is always successful |
►Nplanning_scene | This namespace includes the central class for representing planning contexts |
CPlanningScene | This class maintains the representation of the environment as seen by a planning instance. The environment geometry, the robot geometry and state are maintained |
CSceneTransforms | |
►Nplanning_scene_monitor | |
►CCurrentStateMonitor | Monitors the joint_states topic and tf to maintain the current state of the robot |
CMiddlewareHandle | Dependency injection class for testing the CurrentStateMonitor |
CCurrentStateMonitorMiddlewareHandle | This class contains the ros interfaces for CurrentStateMontior |
►CLockedPlanningSceneRO | This is a convenience class for obtaining access to an instance of a locked PlanningScene |
CSingleUnlock | |
CLockedPlanningSceneRW | This is a convenience class for obtaining access to an instance of a locked PlanningScene |
CPlanningSceneMonitor | PlanningSceneMonitor Subscribes to the topic planning_scene |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►CTrajectoryMonitor | Monitors the joint_states topic and tf to record the trajectory of the robot |
CMiddlewareHandle | This class contains the rcl interfaces for easier testing |
CTrajectoryMonitorMiddlewareHandle | This class contains the ROS2 interfaces for TrajectoryMonitor. This class is useful for testing by mocking the functions in the class below |
►Npoint_containment_filter | |
►CShapeMask | Computing a mask for a pointcloud that states which points are inside the robot |
CSeeShape | |
CSortBodies | |
►Npr2_arm_kinematics | |
CPR2ArmIK | |
CPR2ArmIKSolver | |
CPR2ArmKinematicsPlugin | |
►Nprbt_manipulator | |
CIKFastKinematicsPlugin | |
CLimitObeyingSol | |
►Npybind11 | |
►Ndetail | |
CRosMsgTypeCaster | |
Ctype_caster< T, enable_if_t< rosidl_generator_traits::is_message< T >::value > > | |
►Npython_move_group_planning | |
CPythonMoveGroupPlanningTest | |
►Nrdf_loader | |
CRDFLoader | |
CSynchronizedStringParameter | SynchronizedStringParameter is a way to load a string from the ROS environment |
►Nrobot_interaction | |
CEndEffectorInteraction | |
CGenericInteraction | |
CInteractionHandler | |
CJointInteraction | |
CKinematicOptions | |
CKinematicOptionsMap | |
CLockedRobotState | Maintain a RobotState in a multithreaded environment |
CRobotInteraction | |
►Nrobot_model_loader | |
►CRobotModelLoader | |
COptions | Structure that encodes the options to be passed to the RobotModelLoader constructor |
►Nrobot_trajectory | |
►CRobotTrajectory | Maintain a sequence of waypoints and the time durations between these waypoints |
CIterator | |
►Nrosout_publish_test | |
CMakeRosoutObserverNode | |
CTestFixture | |
CTestProcessOutput | |
►Nrviz_default_plugins | |
►Ndisplays | |
CInteractiveMarkerDisplay | Displays Interactive Markers |
►Nrviz_rendering | |
CMeshShape | This class allows constructing Ogre shapes manually, from triangle lists |
►Nservo_cpp_integration | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Nservo_ros_integration | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Nservo_utils | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Nsrdf_publisher_test | |
CSrdfObserverNode | |
CTestFixture | |
CTestProcessOutput | |
►Nsrv_kinematics_plugin | |
CSrvKinematicsPlugin | Specific implementation of kinematics using ROS service calls to communicate with external IK solvers. This version can be used with any robot. Supports non-chain kinematic groups |
►Nstomp_moveit | |
►Nmath | |
CMultivariateGaussian | Generates samples from a multivariate gaussian distribution |
CComposableTask | |
CStompPlannerManager | |
CStompPlanningContext | |
►Ntest | |
►Nunit | |
►Ntest_robot_model | |
CTestRobotModel | |
►Ntest_robot_state | |
CTestRobotState | |
►Ntest_basic_integration | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Ntest_cancel_before_plan_execution | |
CTestMoveActionCancelDrop | |
►Ntest_check_state_validity_in_empty_scene | |
CTestCheckStateValidityInEmptyScene | |
►Ntest_moveit_controller_manager | |
CTestMoveItControllerHandle | |
CTestRos2ControlManager | |
►Ntest_rdf_integration | |
CTestGTestProcessPostShutdown | |
CTestGTestWaitForCompletion | |
►Ntesting | |
CAsyncTest | Test class that allows the handling of asynchronous test objects |
►Ntestutils | |
CBlendTestData | Test data for blending, which contains three joint position vectors of three robot state |
►Ntrajectory_execution_manager | |
►CTrajectoryExecutionManager | |
CTrajectoryExecutionContext | Data structure that represents information necessary to execute a trajectory |
►Ntrajectory_processing | |
CCircularPathSegment | |
CLinearPathSegment | |
CPath | |
CPathSegment | |
CRuckigSmoothing | |
CTimeOptimalTrajectoryGeneration | |
CTimeParameterization | |
CTrajectory | |
►Nunittest_cartesian_limits_aggregator | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_joint_limit | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_joint_limits_aggregator | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_pilz_industrial_motion_planner | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_planning_context | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_planning_context_loaders | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_trajectory_blender_transition_window | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_trajectory_functions | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_trajectory_generator_circ | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_trajectory_generator_common | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_trajectory_generator_lin | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
►Nunittest_trajectory_generator_ptp | |
CTestOutcome | |
CTestTerminatingProcessStops | |
CAccelerationFilterTest | |
CAggregationJointMissingException | Thrown the limits from the node parameter are weaker(forbidden) than the ones defined in the urdf |
CBulletCollisionDetectionTester | |
CCacheInsertPolicyInterface< KeyT, ValueT, CacheEntryT > | Abstract class for injecting logic for determining when to prune and insert a cache entry, and what metadata to attach to the cache entry |
CCheckValue | |
CCHOMPMoveitTest | |
CCollisionDetectionEnvTest | |
CCollisionDetectorPandaTest | |
CCollisionDetectorTest | |
CCollisionDetectorTests | |
CCollisionPairLess | |
CCommandPlannerTest | |
CConstrainedPlanningTestFixture | |
CControllersTest | |
CDistanceCheckPandaTest | |
CDistanceFieldCollisionDetectionTester | |
CDistanceFullPandaTest | |
CDummyConstraint | Dummy constraint for testing, always satisfied. We need this to create and OMPL ConstrainedStateSpace |
CEIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW | ROS/KDL based interface for the inverse kinematics of the PR2 arm |
CErrorMotionPlanningCenterPointDifferentRadius | |
CFanucConstraintTest | |
CFanucCopyStateTest | |
CFanucTest | |
CFanucTestPlanningContext | |
CFanucTestStateValidityChecker | |
CFeaturesInterface< FeatureSourceT > | Abstract class for extracting features from arbitrary type FeatureSourceT to append to warehouse_ros::Query and warehouse_ros::Metadata for keying TrajectoryCache entries with |
CFloatingJointRobot | |
CGenerateStateDatabaseParameters | |
CIKSolver | |
CIntegrationTestCommandListManager | |
CIntegrationTestCommandPlanning | |
CIntegrationTestPlanComponentBuilder | |
CIntegrationTestSequenceAction | |
CIntegrationTestSequenceService | |
CIsApprox | |
CJointLimitsAggregator | Unittest of the JointLimitsAggregator class |
CJointLimitsContainerTest | |
CJointLimitsValidatorTest | |
CKeyboardReader | |
CKeyboardServo | |
CKinematicsTest | |
CLoadPlanningModelsPr2 | |
CMetadataOnlyFeature< AppendT, FeatureSourceT > | Appends a single metadata value, with no query |
CMockControllersManagerService | |
CMockCurrentStateMonitorMiddlewareHandle | |
CMockMiddlewareHandle | |
CMockTrajectoryMonitorMiddlewareHandle | |
CMoveGroupFixture | Test fixture to spin up a node to start a move group with |
CMoveGroupTestFixture | |
CMyInfo | |
COneRobot | |
CPandaConstraintTest | |
CPandaCopyStateTest | |
CPandaTest | |
CPandaTestPlanningContext | |
CPandaValidity | |
CPandaValidityCheckerTests | |
CPerceptionTest | |
CPickPlaceTestFixture | |
CPlanningContextFactoryRegistrationException | An exception class thrown when the planner manager is unable to load a factory |
CPlanningContextLoadersTest | |
CPlanningContextTest | |
CPlanningSceneMonitorTest | |
CPR2CopyStateTest | |
CPR2LeftArmConstraintTest | |
CQueryOnlyEqFeature< AppendT, FeatureSourceT > | Appends an equals query, with no metadata |
CQueryOnlyGTEFeature< AppendT, FeatureSourceT > | Appends a less-than or equal-to query, with no metadata |
CQueryOnlyLTEFeature< AppendT, FeatureSourceT > | Appends a less-than or equal-to query, with no metadata |
CQueryOnlyRangeInclusiveWithToleranceFeature< AppendT, FeatureSourceT > | Appends a less-than or equal-to query, with no metadata |
CRobotStateBenchmark | |
CRobotTrajectoryTestFixture | |
CServoCppFixture | |
CServoRosFixture | |
CSharedData | |
CSimpleRobot | |
CSphericalRobot | |
CSRDFTest | |
CSuper1 | |
CTestAABB | |
CTestAction | |
CTestCheckStartStateBounds | |
CTestConstrainedStateSpace | Robot independent implementation of the tests.
CTestOMPLConstraints | |
CTestPlanningContext | Generic implementation of the tests that can be executed on different robots |
CTestPlanningPipeline | |
CTestStateValidityChecker | Generic implementation of the tests that can be executed on different robots |
CTestThreadSafeStateStorage | Generic implementation of the tests that can be executed on different robots |
CTrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindowTest | |
CTrajectoryFunctionsTestBase | Test fixtures base class |
CTrajectoryFunctionsTestFlangeAndGripper | Parametrized class for tests with and without gripper |
CTrajectoryGeneratorCIRCTest | |
CTrajectoryGeneratorCommonTest | |
CTrajectoryGeneratorCommonTestNoGripper | |
CTrajectoryGeneratorLINTest | Parameterized unittest of trajectory generator LIN to enable tests against different robot models.The parameter is the name of robot model parameter on the ros parameter server |
CTrajectoryGeneratorPTPTest | |
CTransformProvider | Class that caches and updates transformations for given frames |
CValueTypeContainer | |
CWarehouseFixture | Test fixture to spin up a node to start a warehouse_ros connection with |