The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.
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Classes | Typedefs | Functions
planning_scene_monitor Namespace Reference


class  CurrentStateMonitor
 Monitors the joint_states topic and tf to maintain the current state of the robot. More...
class  CurrentStateMonitorMiddlewareHandle
 This class contains the ros interfaces for CurrentStateMontior. More...
class  LockedPlanningSceneRO
 This is a convenience class for obtaining access to an instance of a locked PlanningScene. More...
class  LockedPlanningSceneRW
 This is a convenience class for obtaining access to an instance of a locked PlanningScene. More...
class  PlanningSceneMonitor
 PlanningSceneMonitor Subscribes to the topic planning_scene. More...
class  TestGTestProcessPostShutdown
class  TestGTestWaitForCompletion
class  TrajectoryMonitor
 Monitors the joint_states topic and tf to record the trajectory of the robot. More...
class  TrajectoryMonitorMiddlewareHandle
 This class contains the ROS2 interfaces for TrajectoryMonitor. This class is useful for testing by mocking the functions in the class below. More...


using JointStateUpdateCallback = std::function< void(sensor_msgs::msg::JointState::ConstSharedPtr)>
using TrajectoryStateAddedCallback = std::function< void(const moveit::core::RobotStateConstPtr &, const rclcpp::Time &)>


 MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD (PlanningSceneMonitor)
 MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD (CurrentStateMonitor)
 MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD (TrajectoryMonitor)
 generate_test_description ()

Typedef Documentation

◆ JointStateUpdateCallback

using planning_scene_monitor::JointStateUpdateCallback = typedef std::function<void(sensor_msgs::msg::JointState::ConstSharedPtr)>

Definition at line 57 of file current_state_monitor.hpp.

◆ TrajectoryStateAddedCallback

using planning_scene_monitor::TrajectoryStateAddedCallback = typedef std::function<void(const moveit::core::RobotStateConstPtr&, const rclcpp::Time&)>

Definition at line 50 of file trajectory_monitor.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ generate_test_description()

planning_scene_monitor.generate_test_description ( )

Definition at line 10 of file


planning_scene_monitor::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD ( CurrentStateMonitor  )


planning_scene_monitor::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD ( PlanningSceneMonitor  )


planning_scene_monitor::MOVEIT_CLASS_FORWARD ( TrajectoryMonitor  )