46static const std::string CONTROLLERS_YAML =
51 void loadPrevious(
const std::filesystem::path& package_path,
const YAML::Node& node)
76 return "Creates configurations for ros2_controllers.";
79 bool writeYaml(YAML::Emitter& emitter)
86 std::vector<GeneratedFilePtr>& files)
88 files.push_back(std::make_shared<GeneratedControllersConfig>(package_path, last_gen_time, *
All the controller configurations.
bool hasChangedGroups() const
ROS2ControllersConfig & parent_
bool writeYaml(YAML::Emitter &emitter) override
std::filesystem::path getRelativePath() const override
Returns the path relative to the configuration package root.
std::string getDescription() const override
Returns an English description of this file's purpose.
bool hasChanges() const override
Returns true if this file will have changes when it is written to file.
GeneratedControllersConfig(const std::filesystem::path &package_path, const GeneratedTime &last_gen_time, ROS2ControllersConfig &parent)
void collectFiles(const std::filesystem::path &package_path, const GeneratedTime &last_gen_time, std::vector< GeneratedFilePtr > &files) override
Collect the files generated by this configuration and add them to the vector.
void onInit() override
Overridable initialization method.
const ControlInterfaces getControlInterfaces(const std::vector< std::string > &joint_names) const
std::shared_ptr< ControlXacroConfig > control_xacro_config_
void loadPrevious(const std::filesystem::path &package_path, const YAML::Node &node) override
Loads the configuration from an existing MoveIt configuration.
std::filesystem::file_time_type GeneratedTime